Monday, January 18, 2016

Personal - Helping my Brother to move House

Hi Blog,

Last weekend I was helping my brother to settle down in his new flat. I guess it is good to afford my help to him, after he moves out, we won't be seeing one another that often anymore.

Here is some of the pictures of his new flat located at Ang Mo Kio.

Pictures before furniture

Living room
Living room from entrance
Living room to the three rooms - Master bed room, study room and store room
This is how the study room will look like
Master bed room
Toilet in the master bed room - my brother said he wants his toilet to look as comfortable as it is, especially the shower.
Kitchen getting ready
Kitchen toilet
View from kitchen window - Look quiet and spacious.
Okay... while waiting for the furniture to arrive, let's build some stuff.

A glare for idea of the thing which I am building.
It is an easy task, isn't it?
okay... it looks like there are somemore... GREAT!
and fan too!
Finish work - Shoes Rack.
Move on to Fan
Easy. Come on! Give me a challenging one!
Oh yes I forgot to take a picture of the thingy on the right.
Pictures after furniture settled in

Grey is the main colour.
Living room - simple and clean.
Not sure how long it will last...
The study room 
For two people
Master bed room - It seems like my brother wants to sleep above the study table.
le me resting on the sofa in my two giant nipples Baymax T-shirt.
:) Congrats! You are the owner of this new flat. 

All I know, buying a flat isn't a simple task. It is all about MONEY....... You loan here and there... End up... you don't actually own anything... Well... At least my mother and I helped out in any way we could. Hope you can continue to drop by.


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