Friday, January 22, 2016

Personal - Good Bye to My Favourite Brown Pants

Hey Blog,

It has come to moment when I won't be wearing my favourite brown pants. I bought that RE brand (so sad I can't find this brand anymore... I love this pants) since 2007. It captured my eyes when I saw it wore by one of the mannequins at Bugis Junction.

soft cotton material
this is the MAIN reason why I will tend to wear slightly fitting (okay you can say tight, as your wish)
because my Fat thighs, crotch area will wear off any material especially cotton then caused Skin Chafing...
For more detail about Skin Chafing, click on it
I can't find such pants anymore....... Low rise, soft material, straight cut, fitting wear... Where can I get it :(

My drawing for memorial of my brown pants
you will be wondering why I won't be wearing it anymore... because I am getting fatter... and people commented too tight.... but.... to be honest... I love this pants... I won't want to let go... that is why I am still wearing it.... maybe I will still wear it if I am not meeting anyone for the day until it got wear off totally.

This is my last picture in my beloved brown pants
I will miss it...
so I made this post dedicated to it
let's move on together
so sorry that I am fat...
if not, I will wear it until I die.
Good bye my favourite brown pants. :,(

Below are my memories bank of my favourite brown pants.....

Alien capture with my photoshop edit
iPhone wallpaper
while teaching
glory time together
Love brown

love to sleep with it

nowadays those pants will come tight at my ankle area, but this one doesn'

Having some fun Jump-shot togethe
How I wish I can be slimmer

I won a Maplestory Plushie

Cycle home
Checking my ways home

Wondering around how to spend my winning vouchers
I feel so tired...

PVPS a place where I won't forget

I took a lot of pictures with my dearest pupils within a day

Last pictures on the bridge
reading books
even Sheepy likes it

I will always match my brown pants with brown top

Having fun with my selfie skill but scare that people will come in
Great to see Lorenzo came back
and now he gets taller than me.

Just doing gardening.
ShanJin used my phone and took a picture of me.
sweet memory
Feel great to see ex-students came back

Testing my selfie skill with blast-mode
Selfie to the next level
Used to match my brown pants with this shirt, my favourite too... but it was gone...

Thank you Nicholas for giving me a Minecraft sword
Last shot with my docker shirt

Trying my Blastmode app. Hmmmm it was those day when iPhone doesn't have such function.
bathing under the sun!
Sometimes I will wear white shirt over
still matched well
on my way to Malaysia

Getting prepared to visit Ipoh with friends

Some students took our photos secretly. haha

my last Little Stars event and design for PV

Tired mood and missed my previous workplace
Selfie infront of mirror
Just laying around
Just making myself comfortable in my new place
Last picture in my phone.
Good bye my brown pants...
My final photoshop of me caught on spider web - love web or internet web. LOL!

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