Monday, January 25, 2016


hey Blog,

I am so mad about myself... I saw a post in carousel selling a OP Maplesea item - Spear at low price, so I decided to get it for my Aran, but I had a weird feeling about it but I got carried away...

So I went on buying PSOK and transferred the money to the buyer after a few conversation. After I got the item, just look how much it increases its range!

After equipped, the seller went offline, and I walked out from FM to show off the new range, and I realised.......... I CAN'T DEAL ANY SKILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then I recalled - ARAN ONLY EQUIPS POLEARM, NOT SPEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I was so disappointed and upset of myself! Why Do I make such Mistake?!

Well....... in the end.... I managed to sell cheap to another buyer to get rid of this item.... Even though I wished I can train a Dark Knight in time... but no......................

Lesson learned. Next time don't get overly excited, research then decide.


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