Friday, January 29, 2016

Personal - Short catch-up

Hey Blog,

Today I went down to D birthday BBQ session at Pasir Ris. I didn't stay due to promises I made with my mother and I doubt his friends won't feel comfortable if I am around. So I just passed him and K the birthday gifts, and then left the scene.

wefie with D. Happy BIrthday! D!
Since I had some time, I decided to go to West Plaza to see the changes of that place. Along the way, I met some Ex-pupils. :) Happy to see them

Chung Hung! :D getting TALLER NOW!
And Brandon. Sigh... I wish he can stop his never-ending-relationship with girls.
well... He has the face - he can do anything, hope he won't do nasty things.... Can't stop worrying for him...
AH! Daryl, the swimmer :) Jia you! Keep on swimming! :D and meet ABC again :D
Great to see the boss again :) Hope his wife can recover from the operation.
a simple dinner with memories.....
memories which I had.... others had forgotten but it is tattoo in my heart.
I can never forget the fun and laughter we had....  
Sigh... memory reloaded. Mixed feeling... until I feel so numb.....

Blog.... please help me to send my regards to those people in my mind.... TT^TT... I know I am an useless.... Good for nothing.... full of shxt.... person.... who caused many people ignore me.....
Thank you......


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