Monday, December 25, 2017

Trip - Lazarus Island Solo

Good Morning Blog,

It was Christmas Day, I wanted to visit Lazarus Island to sun tan and some of my ex-students wanted to go but in the end... Hahaha... oh well... I shall go solo.

Thank Heaven for great weather!
I decided to fulfil my model-wannabe during the trip! Hahahaha... Don't click more if you dont want to see an ugly person trying to pose.

Loved the morning sky
All the way to Marina South Pier Station
Checked out the number :D I was a lucky visitor.
Moody Sky which was Good!
NO ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Except those rich people on the ship yacht
I am the BeachBoy!
Ready for photo shoot?
Or I should go for Sun tan instead?
Touching the clouds and predicted the rain will come soon.
Lay out my towel and tanned awhile.
Oops, did you see visitors behind me? Can't snap too much.
Beautiful clear blue water
My next purpose to visit Lazarus Island was to try out these two things.
EK gifted a water proof bag for phone!
And I bought a snorkeling mask too!
Let's Test it out!

Live test! The moment when the mask in the water, I can't breathe and face-pressure increase greatly. I had to hold my breath than thinking it has air to breathe. Hmmm weird... I felt the stinging feeling in the water... Worrying it might be jellyfish swimming around so I stopped...
Found a beautiful seashell and no surprise
A shy Hermit crab was living in there. I took like nearly two-three mins (unable to focus properly) to get it out from the shell.
I had not tried to take pictures in the wood in my trunk and got sand flies' love bites. YOLO!
I decided to walk further away from visitors
Try my waterproof plastic casing and the wave was towering me
Ended up Tsunami slap! Hahahaha!
To stay away from sand flies's love, back to the beach again.
Sometimes I really dried of pose-ideas because I didn't have model's all beauty-angle. Just sat down there and accepted reality.
The ferry was about to arrive, have to leave this place.
but... I was not dried yet.
So... I just walked back in trunk.
Let's the sun does its job!
Since I was alone and had some spare time, I decided to explore this slope.
hmmmm... I thought no one suppose to use this place to stay?
Long path up and ants were everywhere.
Continued the slope
And made another turn.
Let's continue, shall we?
Ooooo End of road.
How I wish I can get in
I guessed I should follow rules.
Many visitors were here to fish... Pity those fishes... I wished they won't take their baits.
The ferry has some time to spare at Kusu Island, so... Swim and Snap session!
Just feeling my imagination started to run wild
Had to control my imagination. LOL
Kusu island sand was very special and soft.
Do you see a monster above the water?
Underwater shot and it was tough.
But... I noticed the waterproof bag had a tiny leaked hole... Sigh... only one time used... Thank goodness nothing went wrong with my phone.
Kusu Island Mushroom spotted
Exploring Datok Kong
A yellowish printed temple to look like golden temple
One of the unqiue features was the religious fusion here. :)
Yawn.... I was so tired... and took a nap while waiting for the ferry to approach.
I had to thank my photographer for the day.
Said hi to my photographer
Thank Heaven for good weather
The outcome by sandflies's love bites - itchy
After a few months later, 17 Mar 2018, XY asked me to go to Lazarus again. :) Why not! Here is the link.


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