Saturday, March 17, 2018

Trip - Drone Visited Lazarus Island

Hi Blog,

Today I met a couple of my friends, XY and ZN. Each of us has a different objective for visiting the island. XY wanted to practice using his drone, ZN wanted to visit the island and I wanted to suntan.

Weekend meaning crowds.
This was my fourth time visiting that island. (1st, 2nd and 3rd post link) but this trip if without a drone, it will be a disappointing trip...

Friend's trip
Waiting for the first ferry
Cloudless day aka good day
The first thing to do is to get up the top deck of the ferry so that you won't see crowds.
Captain cabin - clean and interesting.
Beside the first, I urged them to be the first to cross over to Lazarus Island!
Low tide
Oh yes, have I introduced to you the residents on this island? I managed to meet up some of them during the visit.

This is Steven - guard of the harbour. I guess to him, every day is always lazy and slow.
Momo - One of the poor chap who can't afford a medication and get a girl
Sara - She feels by eating less and looks slim is a healthy statue. WAKE UP SARA!
hello meow meow!
Hi Max. One of the young and obedience cats here, he doesn't like fighting and believes in peace.
Crossing over the bridge first
Oops! It seemed like the rich will always be the first... (they got their own boat)
Lazarus island beach
FIRST but... but...
Oh my... The dirty beach... :(
Have to take pictures by keeping the sand away
But ZN is handsome enough to make anyone who is viewing the picture to forget about the dirty beach
For ugly me, I just showed the beautiful water.
Now Lazarus Island is getting more and more disappointing... After we found a place to settle and swim in, we got sand flies attack... then we jumped into the water to avoid them quickly. But we didn't end their attack... We started to feel stinging... like what I got on my 3rd visit.

I concluded it could be jellyfish. (I researched and confirmed my claim. Here is the link.) It is sea-lice... Feeling disappointed, we dressed up and decided to explore the island.
We decided to pick up some litter to keep the beach clean.
FINALLY XY decided to let me document this ANNOYING bug - Sand Fly. Now I got so itchy!
Exploring the island with XY's Drone, the pictures below are all contributed from him.
(XY's drone) XY set his drone following us
I was wondering and reflected whatever I had on Friday night...
(XY's drone) Looking over the sea
(XY's drone) Looking back to us
(XY's drone) Looking down like Spy camera
(XY's drone) Trying out the impossible for human-photographer.
(XY's drone) I suggested to XY to shoot from top-view
(XY's drone) and got the ideal picture that everyone is satisfied. Now it becomes my wallpaper.
(XY's drone) Sit down and chill
(XY's drone) DAB Failed when you did it alone... LOL
(XY's drone) Let's try different human's unachievable.
(XY's drone) Our movie moment :)

(XY's drone) Time to check what we had missed out.
Looking at the path that I have, all I have to do is to move forward because this path was walked before.
(XY's drone) On our way back to ST John's Island
(XY's drone) Does it look like Singapore?
(XY's drone) Rocky Store.
(XY's drone) The three blue(musk)-eteers
(XY's drone) Will it better in this angle?
(XY's drone) with Drone, it can replace a human-photographer and I can't wait for my phone-drone.
Just an hour, the water started to get higher.
Check out this Giant bench
(XY's drone) I always want to capture this image but I can't do so without a drone.
(XY's drone) Short record from the name of the island
Okay! Due to catching on the time-limited ferry, we can't really explore ST John's island properly, so time to go to the beaches of Kusu Island.

Time to enjoy swimming at Kusu Island without sand flies.
But I got Jellyfish attack... Did you see the red line? Stung by jellyfish... The Stinging feeling still stay...
Our last lagoon to swim in. I felt safer as this lagoon because it is enclosed by the rock.
Check out the opening of the two lagoons (red) the amount of current flow in, except the lagoon with green arrow to limit jellyfish flowing in.
After a good swim and enough of the sand throwing, I looked infront of a mirror. Thanks, Heaven. We didn't get serious stung except sand fly's love and itchy bite.
ZN sure know how to take picture
I guess I will need his help to capture moment for me
Don't judge that I am not photogenic as ZN.
So I will just turn myself around and be emo.
We decided to walk on the rocky enclosure of the lagoon.
Check out how clean the water is here

(XY's drone) No drone, no mission-impossible-picture
(XY's drone) Thank you XY and his drone.
(XY's drone) We had a great and safe time.
I will come back again
Time to go back to Singapore. :)

Sometimes I wondered will I have a chance to onboard such big ship.
I brought something back from Kusu Island, hope it grows well.
It seemed like we can explore other islands :D
My next aim :)
Furry, Ex-sailor and SG resident who takes over the job at Marine South Pier.
Overall, I was disappointed with the littering issue at the beautiful beach, sand fly's love bite and jellyfish stung... Lucky XY's drone made our visit a pleasure one.

I spent sometime to make this poster. Hahaha... Do you like it?
Updated 22/3/2018 - Some of my friends decided to join in the fun by promoting our movies. Hahaha Z designed some promotional merchandises and Aunt DaMei helped us to place our poster on different streets and countries. Hahaha how creative and fun they are!


  1. Very nice physique. I can see you take good care of your health.

    1. Wah! Thank you for your kind words. I am just doing whatever I can with my limited time.


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