Saturday, December 31, 2022

Blog - December Overview

Hi Blog,

2022 is about to end. Looking back on my overview this year, which was also the start of my urbex journey... Came to an end. There aren't any more unless I travel down to Malaysia to explore which I doubt.

What a short journey and I wished there will be more.
But it spiced up my 2022 experiences and I grew up a lot in terms of courage and confidence. Really take a bold move to explore such places (there are a few left and hope I can clear it by 2023). As for you, blog. Thanks for walking with me, I am glad to have you listening and accompanying me. Anyway, don't bore you with stupid feelings. Let's list out my December overview.

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Trip - Garden by the Bay Avatar the Experience

Hi Blog,

It's about the end of 2022, thought of what to do to end the year... Then XY asked to visit Garden by the Bay to practice his newly enquired photography skill and...

Since there was a new theme - Avatar the experience
Let's go there and take a look.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Trip - Bukit Batok Hillside Nature Park II

Hi Blog,

Christmas eve, what do you usually do on this date? I would like to know if I can ever hear from any of my readers. To me, it is just another typical day.

Hmm... Taking pictures downward worried me a lot... my imagination tends to go too far
So today where have I decided to go?

Thursday, December 15, 2022

Personal - Capt Nerd Be a Volunteer

Hi Blog,

Previously, I went for my first official cosplay event here but it was not for any voluntary value in some sense as compared to today post.

I took leave to attend today's voluntary work so where was I going to?
And it will be a very short post because of some reasons which I will explain below.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Hiking - NS55 Interactive Trail Walk

Hi Blog,

Mr A (my army friend) showed me a trail on Friday (last min...) and asked me to bring him to complete this trail in the morning. What trail are you asking? It was about NS55 Interactive Trail hosted by Singapore Government. (news about NS55) Actually, it sounded exciting and it seemed like a short hike for the morning, so...

Let's GO! Cepat Jalan! (It is a drill command used in Singapore Army to mean quick march or walk fast in Malay.)
Based on NS55 trail site, this interactive trail has 7 discovery points and at each point, we can interact with the surrounding space with AR, information and quiz; which have significant value to Singapore's history. I read that there is a reward after the completion of the walk and I wondered what will that be?

Monday, December 5, 2022

Personal - Visit Range Again

Good Morning Blog,

Took a long weekend leave last Friday, since JH was away in the USA for his healing trip and I had spent my last Friday exploring already, Mr B will like to explore parks near his place.

Since I had gone to Rifle Range Nature Park and it is near his place, then let's visit that place again.
I read online, during the weekends, Rifle Range Nature Park was filled with visitors and I won't want to go there if it is crowded. Since it was Monday, it should not be that bad, right? Right? 😅

Friday, December 2, 2022

Trip - Rifle Range Nature Park

Hi Blog,

You know what? Recently, there is a new park just opened to the public! (news) I thought of going there immediately but I know it is not wise to because it is crowded!

So I held my urge, tempted by many photos shared on FB and avoided the weekend... So I decided to visit that new park today!
Since I took leave today for the possible overseas trip but JH went 🇺🇸 alone so he can overcome his recent broken-up damage, then I shall plan my own trip in Singapore.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Personal - Suits for the Theme #72

Hi Blog,

Yes, you got it! Trisuit Theme again! My #72 entry! Nothing much but I managed to find an empty opening within the wood where I jog.

An unshaded spot within a shaded area
Looking back, I completed this theme last year; now I just look fatter and rounder... Aged... Envied those young ones but yet I take it as a new challenge of acceptance or just maintaining as much as I can.