Friday, December 2, 2022

Trip - Rifle Range Nature Park

Hi Blog,

You know what? Recently, there is a new park just opened to the public! (news) I thought of going there immediately but I know it is not wise to because confirm crowded!

So I held my urge, tempted by many photos shared on FB and avoided the weekend... So I decided to visit that new park today!
Since I took leave today for the possible oversea trip but JH went 🇺🇸 alone so he can overcome his recent broken-up damage, then I shall plan my own trip in Singapore.

I decided to go in the afternoon instead of the morning because most hikers will love morning hikes than having Mr Sun hanging above their head.
But today's weather seemed moody... Hopefully don't rain later.
Reached King Albert Station and getting ready for a fat man to eye-sore others.
There is the shortest way to reach Rifle Range Nature Park (the nearest is at Beauty World Station) but I will like to walk longer a bit
Moody weather just simply made my pictures look emotional
Hmm... The crowds during the weekday noon seemed less dense.
Perfect for photos without the need for caution ⚠
Beautiful railway bridge but there were people busy snapping already.
I doubt I can take any more pictures here.
In fact, I should stay focused on the topic.
Will snap with you next time.
Okay, after the bridge, just head down along this path, we will reach the new park soon.
Wah! Spotted an amazing Banyan Tree jungle!
Check out its root/trunk system here, it is massive, isn't it? Wanted to snap some more but ants are everywhere here.
Surprisingly, there has zero graffiti (in such a state until this date, who knows it might change).
Oh yes, did you see that bridge? That meant that I was near Rifle Range Nature Park.
It was under construction for at least four years...
...and now the public can access it.
Welcome to Rifle Range Nature Park!
Oooo... 7am to 7pm. I wondered what happened if you access this park after 7pm? I will like to know one day.
Shall we explore more of this park?
It is like the boardwalk in MacRitchie, Southern Ridges and Lower Pierce.
Using the same materials...
Both sides have railings to avoid visitors from falling out of the path...
...and provide more "branches" for the monkeys to hang around and easy access from place to place.
The whole family just simply love these railings.
But this boardwalk connects to Beauty World bridge and is very near the canteen which might cause some potential issues in future.
Take note of the trail etiquette
A map of Rifle Range Nature Park
Oooo! New Quarry! The one which I was looking for! From my quarries collection (post) it should be that Kampong Quarry that I was looking for! Yippee! Let's go there now!
Boarder boardwalk here... I guess it can become a hosting/gathering stop.
Looks like a mini tree top walk or plants top walk.
Ooo spotted a few exciting signs in Rifle Range Nature Park.
On the poles along the Rifle Range Nature Park boardwalk, there are many different animal signs hanging like an artwork which I had gathered - from squirrels in different poses, sliders and colugos with babies or without.
Check this picture out. Just look how dense and thick the foliage is.
Even pull out many long vines from itself
Gigantic leaf spotted but definitely more than 80cm
Along Rifle Range Road, there is this pitstop where you can rest your feet and enjoy a simple landscape.
Interesting landscaping here
There is a man-made water stream or to collect more rainwater
One interesting piece of wood art of a pair of pangolins, nicely crafted
A tall ceiling-shaded place for any group gathering
Some information about Rifle Range Nature Park
And speaking about info, here are some snaps of the info boards
which I can read them up anytime
Nice to know that NEA was trying their best to preserve and help the animals in Singapore
Amazing fact that in Singapore, we have an impressive large diversity of animals on this little red dot.
Building connectors (over the head bridge and underground tunnel) to bridge the gap
I doubt I can see a live one sliding across in front of my eyes
Oh yes, I had to show you guys the toilet here. It looks rather classic and elegant
Looks like a condo setting
How I wish to stay in a building with such toilet setting
Did you see what I see????
(Thanks to random visitor) Posed with the rock and wah! Squirrels came and welcomed us.
There are some more squirrels around here
Interesting way to have them "interact" with us without running away
Simple and open place
Top view of the water stream
oooo, this place was powered by solar energy?! Nice way of preserving energy.
Getting closer to the Quarry!
It had been a while since I last hiked there. I was trying to find my older posts but cannot find them.
I was glad that the crowds were manageable.
because... I will have someone who will throw me a disgusted stare
Here, you can see two different kinds of trails. One is the original trail last time and another is the boardwalk. Obviously, I will take the new trail to find what I was aiming for.
Hmm... another opening along the boardwalk...
Oooo! It is a small forest exploration for young kids.
Here, they got to learn how Singapore conserves and tries to live with the animals like this rope bridge
The animals like squirrels or monkeys can travel across safely than exposed themselves in the opening
The roped pole also can be used as a perfect grab hold for colugos.
Many logs were placed for some adventure climb
Here, they also showcased how an underground tunnel works perfectly for pangolins.
They can inspect the tunnel and the animals will be safe to shelter here.
The rocky formation allows you to experience how an animal climbs at the quarry side of Singapore.
If you are a pangolin, climbing this log won't be an easy task.
Speaking of Pangolins, there are many amazing wooden art sculpted pangolins here.
What a beautiful pangolin artwork
As I walked along... I spotted one interesting panel here...
Which leads to a bird-watching hub
I loved this hub because of its unique texture
You can look out with your binoculars
Just check this out carefully... It was made of vines. Looks so organic; so alien.
Here we were, the Quarry hub. There is a wide space and it is perfect for any night sky star glazing activity IF they operate at late hours, as there is no street lamp around.
Some history of Singapore Quarries
Besides Quarry Hub, there is this big wooden box... What is this?
It is how they processed bigger granite rocks into small pieces
But I wondered why it is not ready yet... Maybe I feel other people will throw in their rubbish and without supervision, it might be hellish to whoever maintains it.
OH YES! The new quarry! In fact, it was not new It is Sin Seng Quarry!
It was Sin Seng Quarry which I was looking for for years! (post)
I wonder why couldn't I find this place before... Hmmm
At least, today I completed my search and beautiful quarry too.
Oooo, there is a platform up there.
Should be taking this path to access the platform?
Taking the granite stair up like a granite journey history we used this resource to make roads and buildings.
Oooo, this is the view where you get closer to the water edge and I might not be able to come here again after...
...this path will be covered by plants planted by NEA.
Come, let's go up to the platform!
Hmm... Looking back... This view might not last because of the thick foliage growth in future. You won't be able to see that much of the quarry here.
Amazing large vine here, If got anyone here to help, I can compare myself standing near it.
Ah, here is the stair to the platform
Thank goodness, today was not crowded, I read somewhere, people need to queue to get up here.
I wondered what is the amazing part
Beautiful Wall tiles which look like a pixelized artwork.
Ooo so this platform has a name aka Colugo Deck.
It is shaped like a Colugo in flying mode.
Like this on the floor, if no one is around, it can become a human spreadeagle shot.
Having an additional "fence" to prevent any crazy people from doing crazy things.
Just check how far down from here.
For now, just admire the green scenery in our rural landscape.
Time to go down and explore other areas.
As you explored further, away from the famous and popular spot, the number of visitors got lesser.
Nice and relaxed where there were not many people around.
Since I was still within the Rifle Range Nature Park, let's explore this part of the trail where I had never hiked before. (weird that I can't find the post) I wondered what is new here and if we can get lost here, walking in a loop without GPS or a map.
If you want to challenge yourself to walk without a map for the first time, it will be a fun and great challenge for you.
Love the quietness of this Gaharu trail
Enjoying the me-time moment
hmmm... something smelly here like someone vomited... But I know it must be from a flower which I don't get to see.
Along the trail to Banyan Link, the First banyan Tree was spotted.
2nd amazing one is here too and a lot of mosquitoes so gotta run!
Great to have this rock to ensure visitors keep their shoes dry.
Another large banyan tree was spotted here again.
Looks interesting and unique with a water stream flow inwards
Looks welcoming. Love this banyan tree!
This banyan tree won't worry it can't get enough water.
How Beautiful you are.
I followed the water flow and just a small pool behind there.
I thought the water stream will be something like this behind the banyan tree, but I will love to soak myself here though.
A nice platform near the Banyan Tree which is perfe t for feeding mosquitoes (more like an offering platform) while having picnic here.
See you again, Banyan.
Last time I remembered this trail didn't have railing but this railing will remind us to stay on the trail.
Knowing the landmark like a bridge or cross junction will help us knowing where we are.
If I needed to exit and head down to Macritchie trail, I will need to take another route but this trail was nice and quiet.
This place looked familiar... If I said I am at Bukit Timah, many can't tell the difference.
The loop trail here are difficult if without a map especially night time.
But exciting trail 😊 which I missed it for years!
So night hike here? 😂
Alright, I shall end my blog post for the day here and...
Hhh... This Skink will like to say thank you for the day for me. Adorable lizard 🦎
Overall, the new Nature Park is quite well organised and educational for singaporean families and foreigners on how a urban country trying it's best to conserve and trying to strike a balance between living and nature. Even though, we can give Nature more but... I am no power to make any changes to the decision of a country and all I can, is to appreciate and take care of whatever remains.


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