Thursday, December 15, 2022

Personal - Capt Nerd Be a Volunteer

Hi Blog,

Previously, I went for my first official cosplay event here but it was not for any voluntary value in some sense as compared to today post.

I took leave to attend today's voluntary work so where was I going to?
And it will be a very short post because of some reasons which I will explain below.

I packed up my costume and took my shield, going to take public transport.
Yes, my Cap shield definitely drew a lot of attention... But I won't bother because there is no other way to transport this thing unless I spent money on transportation. But I would save the money and soaked myself in the moment. I wanted to snap more pictures but I had a shield to carry and wearing a thin face skin... So I didn't take any while waiting for Mr D to show up at our destinated location.
Ah, D also invited N to join the event. Both of them are actually regulars here. because it was December, so they prepared many gifts for the kids here.
let's have a group photo!
And we were getting ready; I wore a mask and they wore Christmas hats.
Okay I look so short here... bring shame to Captain America...
Well... I am just a Captain Nerd so fat, ugly and short are my trademarks.
Alright, so where were we heading to?
Yup! I was volunteering to bring joy to the kids in KK Hospital. The kids were so happy to see their favourite Spiderman but Captain was not so. hahaha.
We took many pictures with the kids and parents, but I can't have those photos because of PDPA. How I wish I can have at least one or two.
Going through the photo taking... there were a few moments when I felt down... First of all, why bring joy to the kids important? because... the kids already felt lousy for regular checkups here. Next is because some kids' days.... counting down... very sad...
Anyway, let don't make the day a sad one. Let's continue to bring joy to the rest.
(Credit to Jasmin) BONUS SECTION! One of my friends happened to go to one of the wands for her pregnancy checkup and we just happened to appear there and be filmed by her. She was not aware that was me because I was masked and I could not see anything without my glasses. I was glad that we were doing the right thing.
It was a short post which had many fond memories and seeing the kids and adults just smile towards us. Will try to find a chance to do it again.

Great! At least something about the day. I needed to blur their faces due to PDPA. How I wished to have more pictures but this article and one more IG video are good enough.


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