Saturday, December 31, 2022

Blog - December Overview

Hi Blog,

2022 is about to end. Looking back on my overview this year, which was also the start of my urbex journey... Came to an end. There aren't any more unless I travel down to Malaysia to explore which I doubt.

What a short journey and I wished there will be more.
But it spiced up my 2022 experiences and I grew up a lot in terms of courage and confidence. Really take a bold move to explore such places (there are a few left and hope I can clear it by 2023). As for you, blog. Thanks for walking with me, I am glad to have you listening and accompanying me. Anyway, don't bore you with stupid feelings. Let's list out my December overview.

1st Dec 2022 - Trisuit Theme #72
(Click here to read more)

2nd Dec 2022 - Rifle Range Nature Park
(Click here to read more)

4th Dec 2022 - Moody weather turned sunny; making the whole swimming experience an awesome one. W reminded me to be grateful because he missed the things and his youth as he aged; so that he won't feel bad when I feel lousy myself.

5th Dec 2022 - Visit Range Again
(Click here to read more)

6th Dec 2022 - Went for a blood test to check my blood pressure and other organs after taking another pill. Overview, my BP is lowered and the pill is working well. My other organs seem fine. Thanks Heaven. But somehow... I felt a bit different... My mood just felt rather meh... Easily tired... Oh well... Maybe it just smooch my mental state... Hope it won't affect me long term...

9th Dec 2022 - One of the CP hobbyists told me that he needed to give up his plants as he needed to move to a smaller house. So he can't take the big nepenthes with him hence he gave it to me. I felt so happy to have it and even hand carried by public transport... I hope it will grow well with me.

10th Dec 2022 - NS55 Interactive Trail Walk

11th Dec 2022 - hmm... by adding one more layers and more pitchers and hope I can collect some more pitchers from other hobbyists.

12th Dec 2022 - We decided to buy these for our colleagues as a token of appreciation for our award. Check these out! They are so cute! I wanted to save some money so I do not get one for myself, but it does not make me rich either...

13th Dec 2022 - Today's celebration for Nov and Dec babies. We just simply have a simple DIY pizza session together. Great to meet up with everyone. As for someone there... I know I don't have any luck with you... I hope you can smile again after those years of relationship... I know I am not boyfriend material... I hope the person can love you well. I will learn to put down my one-sided hope and dream on you because you deserve better.

14th Dec 2022 - YES! Finally make a pot of mixed ZZ varieties - Raven, Gold and Variegated. Typically, people will just have them separately and just kind of mediocre. So, let's make something different and will see how it will turn up after a year.

15th Dec 2022 - Capt Nerd Be a Volunteer
(Click here to read more)

16th Dec 2022 - One hobbyist agreed to contribute some of his pitchers for my dried pitcher artwork. Thanks Dariux for your contribution. I started to stuff the pitchers with cloth tissue to maintain its shape.

17th Dec 2022 - You may think I am only going for Carnivorous Plants or Foliage Plants or Spaghorn. I decided to give myself a chance to try to grow this... This is a Baobab and I am going to train it to be a bonsai. I will document the process by creating a tag #baobab for any future updates.

21st Dec 2022 - Today I wanted to go for a quick jog but Miss Sky decided to rain... so I went rope skipping... I only skipped like 200+ ... alright skipped! I am not a good skipper and got myself tangled.

23rd Dec 2022 - Finally got to swim again absent for a while. Fat fat me... sigh...

24th Dec 2022 - Bukit Batok Hillside Nature Park II
(Click here to read more)

25th Dec 2022 - Thanks to my elder brother helped me to fetch my waifu to K to fix its tyres. I had not been able to take you out for a ride for months. You will be alright with K, I will get back next week.

25th Dec 2022 - On Christmas, I just had a simple housewarming and dinner hosted by HJ's family. Nice simple catch-up with one another and had a simple picture by the Christmas tree. Merry Christmas everyone and my blog. Feeling so old now.

26th Dec 2022 - Dear blog, I decided to share with you... what I always face on my social media... I received a PM from some people today... (not always the same person) They will find some demigods... and reminded me how inferior I am... Just while I felt down... and shxtty over myself cosplaying as Cap... I was told that I just follow my own pace. others might be fast which does not even our problem. We just set our own time own target; do it for good health, not for show. Well... honestly, I understand it is a battle between my wish and real-life expectations. For now, I just wish I can be strong.

28th Dec 2022 - Finally! Oh my! Really finally got a chance to go for a slow jog. After done jogging, my legs were sore but I felt great to sweat a bit out. I know I am not as hardcore as the REAL Captain is. I accept that Fat fact.

29th Dec 2022 - Garden by the Bay Avatar the Experience
(Click here to read more)

31st Dec 2022 - My last day was not to rest... Morning - Accompied JH for a simple Tree top walk to hear about his new relationship success. Saw my favourite insect Spidey and a cute family pack who lives in the jungle. Afternoon - gathered with my friends for a short gathering in an event room (link). Will utilise more of such a place in future. Night - Accompanying my brother for a badminton session. Typically, those who had dates, won't attend this badminton session because they were away for the 2023 countdown. I guessed it will be good that I just showed support to him and glad ZN and his GF turned up that day.

What 2022, Thanks blog for accompanying me and I can't stop blogging...You definitely have a space in my heart. The journey for recovery is a long one and we had made it this far together. Thank you to whoever readers out there. Thanks for your support and wish you a Happy New Year 2023. Jia you Jeff and everyone.


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