Friday, December 31, 2021

Blog - December Update

Hi Blog,

Wow! December! As compared to other years, this year, it seemed like I have lesser posts... I might need some time to revisit my usual hiking places... But I doubt anyone will want to read the same old things again.

Feel bounded this time around, perhaps lack of ideas...
Anyway, it is a diary for me; I will take it easy and hope next year will be a good one.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Product - Making a Magnetic Shield Harness

Hi Blog,

I have a mini project for myself that took me months to prepare, research, and decide to put my fat axx to work on it.

On 15th Mar 2021, I travelled all the way down to this factory building.
Because I wanted to build a wearable Captain America shield onto the harness which I got in Feb 2021.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Trip - Bukit Batok Hillside Nature Park and Jurong Hill Park

Hi Blog,

Merry Belated Christmas. Thanks to my blog for walking with my stupid boring journey. These days, I had been known among my friends for visiting unusual places and today is no exception, I managed to find one place guided by my friend and another one from JH. What a day to spend after Christmas!

Mr Sun was excited to visit those places with me
To my surprise, the trip was a short one but since JH drove a car so the road trip seemed easy and possible.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Trip - Fort Serapong

Hi Blog,

On the last day of my two days of medical leave, I decided to go for an exploration. Where am I planning to go? Yes! Mrs R introduced to me a special place at Sentosa which was Fort Serapong.

Today weather seemed okay. Hope it won't rain heavily.
Why did I want to explore such a location, which you might ask? When you think of Sentosa, you will name a few tourist attractions, but to me, those are just meh. The place where I visited, is one of the raw and hidden gems, untouched and might be gone in future; who knows. Personally, I just wanted to visit before it was gone.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Hiking - Wild Nep Hunting

Hi Blog,

Today was my second day of leave, made a long weekend. It will be a short post, as it was not so right to keep on taking pictures while accompanying my plant friend, B, to find what he wants.

Cloudly sky today
So lets go and hunt for some wild Nepenthes!

Friday, December 3, 2021

Personal - Suits for the Theme #56

Hi Blog,

Even though I had not started jogging during Dec because of cycling to workplace and after-work program. I will start Dec update with a theme. My #56 addition.

It seemed like I will need to redo this theme again. Difficult to get it right.
What do you think?