Monday, November 30, 2020

Blog - November Update

Hi Blog,

OMG! Two months left to end 2020?! Time really flies but we had gone through such a "special" event of Covid and our life had turned to a new norm... I really missed our normal days before Covid.

November Jogging
- Updated on 24th Nov 2020
November Swimming
- Updated on 25th Nov 2020

2nd Nov 2020 - This date something shooked or awed every Singaporeans. It was on news too (link) and I happened to notice the sky moved like waved after I was on my way home. Honestly, it was beautiful to see them crept in.
4th Nov 2020 - Yesterday I was nearly knocked down by a reverse lorry (on the left side of the pic). I was standing at the blindspot where I pointed in the pic. I was busy texting and I was about an arm-length distance to the incoming reversed lorry. Thanks goodness that I am safe.
5th Nov 2020 - Something bad happened on the first thing in the morning. I am in charge of school devices include ipads, during Circuit Breaker Phrase 1, some students required to loan school devices for home-based learning. After a few months upon returning, I learned that one of the students had transferred to another school without returning that iPad and I was not aware of it. When our school leaders found out about it and questioned us... my colleague claimed that she had collected it and left it on my table but based on my paper, I didn't receive it at all. Long story short... I did whatever I can in the situation and if the situation wanted to turn south, meaning there is something I need to learn. I glad I had learned something important - Never work out and be patient, even though I got rather stun when my colleague claimed she returned to me in front of the school leader and if the parent claimed they had returned... I accept this outcome to pay a new iPad and police case. Sometimes, you never know the spiritual-homework which gave by Heaven and how we handle the homework depending on the individual. I glad how I handled it. :) in the end, the parents claimed it was with them and they will return it. Thanks Heaven.
6th Nov 2020 - My right eye hurt a lot... barely can't open widely. have to cover it with a self-made eye-patch to prevent any wind or hot breathe from the mask to irritate my eye. I guess if I always experienced such situation whenever I wear a mask or having a strong fan beside me, I will start to get myself an eye-patch.
6th Nov 2020 - Trisuit Theme #43
(Click here to read more)
7th Nov 2020 - Two Spideys Met
(Click here to read more)
7th Nov 2020 - Still remembered that I noticed about my eye issue? At late-night... I sensed pain on my right eye then I decided to sleep early but I sensed something was on my eye, so I wipe it with a tissue and spotted blood clot. OMG! I checked myself from the mirror and nothing unusual on my right eye. I researched (link) which I had experienced most of the symptoms and hope it won't go serious. Will observe further. To think about it... My right eye is always the one which got hurt - from someone trying to poke my eye, someone pokes accidentally, or poke by my specs which caused injuries...
8th Nov 2020 - yesterday rained so today I decided to go for something light, as I needed to do some reading, plus worrying of my eye condition. It seemed I feel better.
8th Nov 2020 - Today was the day when I purchased house appliances for the first time. Feeling like someone who owns a home himself and becomes a responsible member who contributes to the family. Lucky got 0% instalment to save my wallet.
12th Nov 2020 - It seemed like my right eye will turn sore when I got tired. Long day for me... Time to see doctor tomrrow.
13th Nov 2020 - Doctor tried to study my right eye and did a simple eye pressure test... Concluded nothing and don't understand how come my eye bleed. (Funny thing was, I saw the doctor googled my symptoms on her phone) Ended up, her only advice is to continue to moisture my eyes. Hope nothing bad happened
13th Nov 2020 - Afternoon Hike
(Click here to read more)
16th Nov 2020 - While I was thinking of drafting my new blog post, I got a sudden rush of inspiration and started to sketch myself as Captain Nerd! (Combination of Captain America + Bow User in MHW + Spidey pose + Nerdiness) Thanks Rf for her encouragement.
15th Nov 2020 - Hike to Food Challenge
(Click here to read more)
18th Nov 2020 - My first purchase of house appliance came in today. For now, I have a functional air-con! YES! :D
18th Nov 2020 - Leading a Southern Island tour
(Click here to read more)
19th Nov 2020 - MHW Friends Meetup
(Click here to read more)
20th Nov 2020 - Captain American Costume
(Click here to read more)
21st Nov 2020 - Because I have air-con, I can try out my new Spidey suit without breaking any sweat!
27th Nov 2020 - I just wanted to find a space to "rant". Today I found six missing ipads as I was doing an ipad inventory check. Today I remained calm and asked our DE for those ipads, he claimed those are with me. I checked the folder (ipad loan) in front of him, last signed by him, he still insisted those are with me. After searching high and low, I concluded I have to pay for the lost six ipads as I can't find those... and informed my HOD about the lost, I will have to be responsible over it... (paper work said so) After my HOD texted to all teachers to find out the whereabouts and found out who is still holding on to those ipads. Then he claimed it was signed all along. (it is kept separately and he doesn't tell me about it.) Two things I had learned - thanks Heaven that ipads found and my wallet is spared. - I apologised to my hod for NOT AWARE or even checked every single folder on his table (even though he was aware that I only checked with one folder) lectured by both of my HOD and him for being careless. Honestly... Not a nice feeling to receive such injustice comments. But I take this opportunity to accept it.
29th Nov 2020 - M asked me to help out her to make wrapping together then delivered to her teacher. I ate a lot on that day... Fatty me...
30th Nov 2020 - I took off today and my two bros (both quit their jobs) wanted to meet up. Morning, I went for a short hike around MacRichie and had lunching and dinner together, I also brought them to places like Little Guilin and Some quarries. Great catch-up session.

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