Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Jogging - November Jog

Hi Blog,

Raining raining raining. I can't jog that often... but in fact, the truth was... I got rather tired these days but I will push myself to go for a short jog. Hope you will give me some support spiritually.

6th Nov 2020 - Finally got a chance to go for a jog and my weight nearly broken the pillar. Hahaha!
12th Nov 2020 - As promised to go for a jog with Alv, motivate him to jog. I must say he had jogged well; hope he continued to jog on his own.
24th Nov 2020 - Just realised that the evening set earlier these few months. So I can't jog at ease, if I do that... I might be stuck in the dark.

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