Friday, November 13, 2020

Hiking - Afternoon Hike

Hi Blog,

After getting a day MC due to my eye check, I decided to take a time break for myself but my friend, Alv got to know that I will be taking MC for today and wanted to go for hiking during the noon to kill some time and workout.

I guessed I can't find any excuse to reject and let's go for a hike!
Alv took a cab down and had lunch before a good hike, for me... Only fat growing storage space... So sad... These days due too stress, had been eating too much potato chips and my intermitted fasting just simply made me eat more than no fasting adjustment.
Sigh... I have to stop potato intake and continued my Aloa Detox intake (I stopped for a while because of money issue and affected my daily output)
I scared today afternoon hike will be a roosting hiking experience but it seemed like Miss Sky took care of us by blocking Mr Sun.
I guessed I should not think so much and enjoy the hike.
(Thanks Alv for helping) At the starting hiking point and snapped. What a cool noon it was.
What a peaceful noon
(Thanks Alv) Lucky the moment when Mr Sun still energetic, Mr Tree helped to shade our journey.
Despite it was a weekday and afternoon, I was surprised to see some visitors.
During the noon, hiking under shade was the best.
Perhaps I should start my fungus hunting sooner.
(Thanks Alv) So are you alright? So can continue to walk?
Trying my luck to find glow-in-dark mushrooms but nope this.
Don't know why... I started to grow the like for afternoon hiking. :) Perhaps it was due to it was peaceful.
And... it was a weekday Friday. Maybe will try during the weekend.
While I was hiking here, I found the entrance to the Japanese Shrine.
What a beautiful bare-root fallen tree. Even when it died, still died as an Art. Respect!
(Thanks Alv) Look at the cloudy condition, What a great hike ahead
(Thanks Alv) The Monkey was trying to check on me at the side, and I didn't bring any food for you.
Still cloudy afternoon - just perfect!
Spotted a fallen down tree and took a picture with it before it was gone
As if I was at a beach.
It seemed like we still had a long way to go...
Tired legs and take a break here
(Thanks Alv) Because it was stairs throughout to the summit
(Thanks Alv) Come on, Alv. If we don't speed up, the darkness will consume the area.
When you arrived at the foot of the stairs before the summit
This stairs can kill you. Hahaha.
(Thanks Alv) Fat me can do it, so can you.
Ooooh! A Neko spotted along the pavement; or it is a tiger wood? Hahaha
(Thanks Alv) Oh! It is great to see this face tree maintained by the public.
Afternoon cloudy mood turned Hindhede quarry into a mirror
(Thanks Alv) Less crowd and mirror quarry were perfect and spoiled by ugly me. Hahaha
(Thanks Alv) One perfect angle for my rock collection
(Thanks Alv) Alv just snapped and hoped for a candid shot.
Thanks Alv for this afternoon hike and I able to experience a good hike.


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