Saturday, November 7, 2020

Personal - Two Spideys Met

Hi Blog,

It will be a short post about today visit. :)

Still remember that I was planning to sell away my faceshell? I texted one of my carousel buyer who bought my suit before and asked him to try the faceshell. O decided to visit me to try out the faceshells.

O picked one faceshell and we strike a pose together in my small and untidy room despite I encouraged him to step out to take at the staircase.
But O needed more encouragement so I don't force him to. :)
We feel satisfying with the faceshell :)
I don't mind posing more. Hahaha if I am not fat.
Too bad my camera can't go further for me to raise my arms completely and lucky O made a great spidey pose!
I felt the faceshell was not suitable for O, then I found another faceshell which packed at some unnoticed corner and it seemed like it looked better for O.
And also let O tried out my other costumes and because of his tall genes, that suit might not allow O to squat down to pose. At least, his physique is more suitable to be Spiderman than me. 
I just wish I can have a slimmer tummy.
O went home and tried out the gift - faceshell with his black suit.
and left a warm-hearted comment on his IG.
I glad to help and passing kindness forwards than thinking for myself. Hope O can get the defer successfully.


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