Friday, November 20, 2020

Product - Captain American Costume

Hi Blog,

Something exciting had arrived today. (actually dated during May 2020 but due to Covid and I can't complete the post because it required something...

I guessed the title has leaked the excitement already! Hahaha
Let's get started!

Just so happened that S called me and I told him about it, he requested to open this parcel together :)

(Thanks S for taking some screenshots while I was unwrapping) Oh my! one big fat parcel :D!
OOOOO! FINALLY! My favourite superhero - Captain America!

Honestly, this cap star is one of my favourite features on this costume.

It has a metallic glow and solid feel.

A - Avengers! To save the world. Reenact the epic battle scene!

If I have some darken colours, I will darken these sewing threads to make it more obvious.

Oooo another part which made feel great. I understand the real thing, it will be real buckle... That will be for the rich. Okay, next!

Because I don't get real boots so this one is cover sleeve. Looks rather...

Decent gloves. Maybe I can wear it for a ride? Haha

Fake side-pockets. If I am rich, I will make a proper one.

One true disappointment was this boots sleeve... Just Look at how loose it is. You can't even buckle.
Anyway! Let's Suit up and see how it is.

I am Captain Nerd! I really love the red and white contrast by the dark blue overall.

It was a nice fit, even though the pants was rather big and loose. (can't even wear belt to hold the pants)
I can't seem to wear that buckle properly and my back was a mess.

Okay, enough of my stupid nerd face.

Let's review. Overall, the suit colour and work are great except a few things... One is the boots sleeve and another one is...

This top. I understand it is like a jacket so it has double layer which will heat up and sticky if you wear it without another layer to separate your skin and this top.

Because Captain Nerd is so fat... I can barely zip myself to the top. This is size M and if I go for L, it will become lengthy for my height and limbs. I didn't zip up completely in the pic, is to illustrate the condition when I tried to zip the top.

Then I thought of a way to ensure my movement won't be compensated and covered my back.

I noticed that this top suit requires to wear another cover. So those points where I pointed, I can sew a few velcros at that spot and bottom of that cover, I will add in a buckle to secure further. So for now... I will wait for the sewing auntie to open her stall.

A few days later, I got myself a cap helmet or I should say... Cap plastic...

Just look how soft and smell it can be.

But the detail was amazing.

Except it still looked cheap...

The main problem to wear a plastic silicone mask is... It smells bad... And the size is fixed! I can become Captain Disappointment!

I decided to do some magic and measure the ideal length.

Tried to sew the extra length together to shorten it but I did a bad work.

So I decided to cut it and sew them directly.

It seemed like my sewing magic worked! Haha

On another day when I got my air-con fixed, I put it on again.
Still need to work on the back
now with a helmet
And I looked shxtty in Capt cosplay with an Asian face
Hmmm... I guess I will have to get a shoulder pad to make my costume look buffer... Capt is so buffed, I am nowhere near there.
I will make some improvement on the suit when alternation auntie returns for business and I will have to find a Cap shield to complete the whole costume. I had made another post here. It seems like a costly cosplay. D:

Long time I have never drawn... Thanks Rf for encouraging me to continue. Rusty but at least something :)

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