Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Blog - September Update

Hi Blog,

2nd Month of a new arrangement of my monthly update - a combination of overview and randomness. So far, the feedback I got is all depend on my liking. Oh well, I guess they are correct and it is meant for you, my blog and me. If one fine day, I lost my memory, and my blog can serve as a platform for me to understand why I was doing such changes.

This new Monthly Update post will become the first and top post of my blog for the month, which contains my daily randomness (short posts that don't need a title) and standalone/separated posts (long posts that need a title). Any question, you may leave some comments below If there is any.

Swimming Updated
on 23rd Sep 2020
Jogging Updated
on 24th Sep 2020

1st Sep 2020 - First day of Sep, It was the week when it celebrated Teachers' Day. I guess I still have the past sweet experience in my ex-school when students showered their appreciation to me despite I was not their form teacher. It was the past already and time to move on. Don't let the past tied me down and just capture (remember) the precious moments that I have.
2nd Sep 2020 - Oh Man... My headphone got broken (at the side and both sides) I guess I just have a fat head. But it is still functioning, a few tape to wrap around to hold its position, it is as good as its working condition. I will continue to use the product until it fulfilled its purpose of production.

3rd Sep 2020 - Happy Teachers' Day to all teachers. Today was the reveal of "who is my angel?" game, which our colleagues participated this game called "Angel and Mortal" - We will be assigned each one of us a mystery angel to take care of the mortal for a few days then the mortal will know his/her angel on Teachers' day. On the left was my angel - HKim and the right was my mortal - C. Thank you for the gift. Speaking about the gift, I glad how the kids see in me. I know I can't expect everyone to think positive for me as the world doesn't evolve around me; so whatever it is, I learned to give my best and be contented with whatever it fruited. Just like that passion fruit which my SL gave me, she gave me one word - Passion. :) That will be and always be my driving force to work and to live. And thank you the rest of the gift too. I appreciate that.
4th Sep 2020 - Today marked as my completion of memorising the Moonlight Sonata First movement (took a year to learn) and time to practice to perfect the flow of playing. I tried to record myself of playing this but I failed many times at the beginning and my camera got heated up due to I failed to play at the beginning for too many times (like more than 12 times)! I think I was tied down by my nervousness and desired to play it perfectly... Have to stop than ready for any performance. But at least, it is a sense of achievement for me.
4th Sep 2020 - Yes! Completion of my trisuit theme :D
My 40th Trisuit theme! (Click here for more)
5th Sep 2020 - Going for a short hike with L but
it rained. (Click here for more)
7th Sep 2020 - What will I do when I took leave?
A simple afternoon hike, what else?! (Click here for more)
11th Sep 2020 - We need to come out a short skit for Children Day and we might decide to perform a short skit for them to enjoy. One of the scenes involved a student, so to serve as a backup, I might become a student. I guess my face is too big to be a kid. Let's see how it turns out to be. Just smile.
12th Sep 2020 -  Science Centre Visit to have nostalgic feel
(Click here to read more)
12th Sep 2020 - My sister introduced two interesting, open, no reserved ladies. Fun and no tension dinner session with. :)
13th Sep 2020 - HDB wanted to do repainting for my block and paint the cement flooring, so they shifted all my pots and stuff to the lift, messy... so I tried to Tidy my garden and it was therapeutic. Neat and organised will heal.
17th Sep 2020 - Great to have everyone wear blue today without planning.
19th Sep 2020 - Seeing something different.
(Click here to read more)
20th Sep 2020 - Finally manage to get my friend out from his shelf
(Click here to read more)
20th Sep 2020 - My sister arranged another 2nd date to meet up G and B. They wanted to try the legendary pizza which is 22" pizza. It is a awesome experience. Can you finish the giant pizza yourself? Believe me, not easy task. Great to catch up with these two ladies.
22nd Sep 2020 - Our school leader alerted in our whatapps group with a stunning phenomenon during the noon time. I was 20 mins late after the message was sent. After I saw the message, I ran out to the school field to catch this phenomenon. When I looked up... I felt so touched... that I got to witness this Sun Halo without any blockage of building etc. The only moment to see Mr Sun calmly and directly. This phenomenon only occurs when there are thin clouds which made of ice crystals and up high in the sky beneath the direction of the sun. What an amazing sight. End of 2019 (link) we had our SG first completed Solar Eclipse and today our beautiful Sun Halo. :3 So sorry I can't take many pictures of it, as I was busy during that timing. Credit the last amazing picture, which taken by Gardens By The Bay. Perfect and beautiful! You can read up more from ST here.
27th Sep 2020 - Went for a three loops hiking :D
(Click here to read more)
30th Sep 2020 - Despite I had completed memorising the keys of moonlight sonata first movement... But I always make mistakes here and there... I can't play without making any mistakes... Headache... but i will continue to try.

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