Saturday, September 19, 2020

Cycling - Seeing Differently

Good Morning Blog,

Almost a month since I took my waifu out for a ride. Today will be the best time even though...

It rained last night so today park might be less crowded?

Instead of laze on the bed...

Perhaps can just laze on my favourite bean chair and while charging my camera
I guessed I will need to hurry out before Mr Sun hit the ground strongly.
Let's go to my new favourite place - Upper Seletar

While riding... something which I watched yesterday, made me think deeply about what is happening in my surrounding.
Everything seemed still and quiet in front of my eyes
Glad to see my waifu loves to travel around with me
Yes? What video did I watch? I watched some pxrn last night. LOL! NO! hahaha Just kidding.
I watched a random Youtube video topic about - Survivorship Bias.

Here are two videos which explain Survivorship Bias well.
So what it got to do with me?

I realised that the reason why I affected by words or just taking advice/sharing from certain group of people who are the winner in the social network unconsciously. Thinking, they are so right or successful as long as we follow their steps. Deep in me, I know it really depend on variable too whereas everyone is different or given an unfair foundation to compete.

Sometimes, it is not easy to see yourself when we are clouded by so many.
Quite often, I feel extremely lousy because I can't be successful/likable/confident as one especially when comes to relationship. Let me give you an example.

A lot of successful-in-relationship people will just give me advice like, Be Confident. Style Yourself. Train yourself. Be Rich. Behave Maturely etc etc. As an introvert myself, I tried and still trying. It always seem like a second nature to me...

While in deep thought, I had reached Rocket tower :D

Like Be Confident, I don't have the confident level like others do... Like some guys who have a big strong chest which able them to speak like an alpha male to command and lead; I just don't. Some will tell me to TRAIN UP! I will get back to that.

Or some speak confidently like a sale-man or someone who thinks he is always right. Might even sound boastful. Or even walk up towards a random girl and ask for a number. Whatever! Some simply heck care how others see them, might even see them as a bad boy image. They don't care because they see themselves as a winner. They know there are always people who will follow/accept/believe whatever they said.

I don't have such... In fact, to think deep... I do have time speak confidently. I listen and advice accordingly. If I am certain and require to explain my personal view towards certain views, I will be have to be confident and be myself. After that, I will go back to "time-to-humble" and listen to what others think of, which what my teacher taught me before - Intellectual humility: the importance of knowing you might be wrong.

Feeling great to reflect myself
Anyway, back to the topic. Why I said I got affected by the survivorship bias or I am biased? Because I only take in information/word from those so-called winner in relationship and forgot to see there are other people who failed or less-winner got into relationship too! Their humble and "less-confident" outlook still become a merit for women for future partner. There are some Confident guys, have zero successful and lasting relationship too. Do I concern those into my thought progress?

In a bigger picture, there are many factors which leads to a relationship - Besides just be Confident, there are many factors like fate, timing, and the woman's preference etc etc. Got so many variables which affects the outcome, how will the variables shared by those winners be the ONLY variable?!

Let's go back to my favourite quiet spot
Beautiful Blue sky really calmed myself down

My new quiet spot :)

And also, some of the winner's variables are right too. Like Workout/Style myself etc. I will say those will wider the possibility for getting into relationship faster. Can't deny that fact as we are still living in the world where people tend to see WINNER as their life goal.

I have to ask myself... What life path I am taking now?
Just like choosing Fatbike over Roadbike. It is because I like it and restrict myself for thirsting for speed.
I asked myself then am I biased too?
To think about it, it is rather impossible to avoid survivorship bias. Even if we do successfully avoid, we might tune towards confirmation bias (A tendency to search for, interpret and recall information in a way that supports what we already believe.) Personally, I take survivorship bias as a reasoning allows me to learn and understand how come it worked: then I will be able to work on looking for reasoning on how others have failed or forgotten. It allows my reasoning to be critical and non-biased.
Hahaha... I guessed today session is a fruitful one for me.
Hey Blog. Don't sleep! hahaha I know it is boring.
Let's take some pictures and leave. My camera was running out of battery life.
Thanks Waifu to hearing me out.
Let's go back home asap and listen more about survivorship bias videos on youtube.

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