Sunday, September 27, 2020

Hiking - Three Loops

Good morning Blog,

Sorry I was busy these days and really needed to go for a hike. L asked to join me for a hike and while ZN also asked for a hike too. Thanks goodness that J and ZN (They don't know one another) to hike together.
Hmm... Today weather is a bit...
Miss Sky showered late last night and it was a cold night for me. Thanks Miss Sky for clearing it this morning, if not, today hike will be possible.
When the ground was wet... I had a bad feeling towards it.
So today where are we going? Yes! This is Cashaw Station where I will meet J.
After short introduction, and observed J is okay to have other people joining the hike, ZN is always okay to meet strangers. Both of the extrovert confirm has no problem of meeting new faces; perhaps it is due to my introvert thinking - worrying that such arrangement might affect their comfort level. Hmm... I won't say I am wrong in any sense; which how others will see in me for overly thinking... I feel I need to be sensitive and caution than thinking less towards it.
Yes! Rain had stopped and yup! We were walking towards...
somewhere where J and ZN have been to.
YES! Which is Chestnut Nature Park. Chestnut has three loops - Northern Hiking Loop, Inner Northern Loop and Southern Hiking Loop. Today we will clear all three loops.
Let me make a short introduction to them and my readers (if there is any). Chestnut Nature Park is a park for hikers and bikers.
Chestnut Nature Park is served as a green buffer for Singapore nature reserve, animals and plants.
At Chestnut Nature Park, there is one tall observation tower which you must not miss during your visit.
From the top, you could see the trails and mountain bikers in action clearly.
You can spot the Bukit Timah Summit Telecom Towers here.
I tested my Huawei phone and zoooooooooom - I can see two tall condominiums at Bishan here!
This zoom effect can't really do enough justice because the phone needs to switch from Wide angle to normal to zoom mode.
(Thanks L for helping) Up here, is perfect for a photo shot session especially while the sky isn't that sunny!
(Thanks ZN for helping) You can take amazing shot up here - landscape or portrait; but... my apology that I am inside the pictures which spoiled the beautiful scenery. Sorry about it.
(Thanks ZN for helping) Looking out shot is an amazing one up here.
(Thanks ZN for helping) Do you agree with me?
(Thanks ZN for helping) Thank you trees for posing for me.
After done helping one another for picture taking, time to start our loops.
Chestnut Nature Park's unique feature - Two separated trail for Hikers and Bikers. Sometimes, some bikers or hikers might step onto the wrong trail. For hikers who enters to wrong trail, please be careful and get out of the biker trail asap because you might risk yourself from incoming bikers and risk the bikers' life to avoid knocking onto you.
On the hiker trail, you can challenge yourself to hunt for little critters and see how many you can find along the way.
Than just blindly walk through the trail.
You may see how nature breaks down materials and nothing goes to waste.
A moment of tranquility
a moment of being a fun-guy (fungus)
Or a moment to be nosey (mossy)
We had done the first Northern Loop and stopped by the central area where toilet located.
Lets go for another inner Northern Loop for hikers.
It is a challenging loop which you can challenge yourself - Enter and find your way out without checking your GPS/Map. Too bad, many of them cheated along the way whenever I told them this. NOT FUN!
Inner Northern Hiking Loop is rather 'raw' and untouched
L and ZN will take the lead
While I admired the nature and tree structure
How I wish we can do wild mushroom farming, that will be so therapeutic.
Wild water stream and it will be sweet if we can swim in it
Only for those who has balls.
(thanks L for helping) Trying to pose here :) but I think they got rather frustrated that I am into the beautiful scenery
Those good looking ones will look way better at the bridge than a nerd like me.
While walking through the trail, you can check out how nature still has the strong sense of survival mode. Like this, even though the log was chopped off, it still grow young shoots.
In Chestnut Nature Park, there are many different types of fungus and this lingzi-alike is quite common around there because it lasts longer than other fungus.
And found some little critters were farming on the bracket mushrooms
We cleared two Northern Loops at ease :D
(Thanks L for helping) A snap with the rock as an achievement.
But... I can't never able to compare to the natural winner like ZN and other youngsters, in term of aesthetic look, brainy, youthfulness, popularity and others. When we were given a deck of Lousy cards, I know we are bounded to lose... But there is one more rule... Is to reduce the damage of lost. That means we can also be a little winner in the lost. The small achievement is a big achievement for me.
(Thanks L for helping) Sometimes it is so nice to be at the top but we need to know how to get stay down to connect with more people.
Time for Southern Loop
(Thanks L for helping) So are you guys ready for Southern Loop?
So anything special at Southern Loop? Hmm... Nothing much than more fungus area and noisy traffic to fill up the tranquility.
A lot of FUN GUY (Fungus)!
Fun-guy (fungus) comes in many different colour and caps. Do give yourself a try to have a mushroom hunt with your friends, if you are there.
Some little critters might camouflage themselves into something which you barely spare an eye of. This one isn't fungus.
This is one unique place at the Southern Loop, and it will be great when the grasses are taller. Perfect for pictures.
More Fungus :) From babies to adult.
Experience the wood and breathe in the fresh air.
A secret path...
As we explored deeper... What is waiting for us, is amazing.
Nature green lake :)
So beautiful and peaceful here
(Thanks L for helping) What a rare site, let's take a picture here :D A Fat me had come to this place.
The plants around the Rock with Name, are getting now :) Lucky I took a picture here before.
Overall completed of all three loops of Chestnut Nature Park :D
September I didn't manage to do many hikes. Hope I can do some more next month.

I will see you around. Thanks L and ZN for the hike.


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