Monday, September 7, 2020

Hiking - A Simple Afternoon Hike

Hi Blog,

Today I took leave to settle some morning appointment and glad that I am healthy :) What an episode to go through and since I don't know how I got it and just let it begone.

Time to complete one thing and a hike too.
Where will I start?
Quiet and almost empty train today
Are you ready to go?
Blue sky and less crowded
Hillview mall - Chocho train
Yes! I told you before that I was to reenactment a scene in this blog post, remember?
Perfect day when no one was hiking during weekdays
Still wonder should I use my phone or my camera...
With my camera for now :) I love my camera still
Great to take pictures without anyone around, I feel at ease
I realised that Mr Sun is rather strong during this timing
In my previous post, I mentioned that I won't mind simulating the scene but no one can help... Because too easily judgement... Hahaha...
I guess let simulate the scene as promised.
Like a captured superhero trying to free himself from his death
Or another perspective. Hmm... If I lower the camera view and no blockage at the track (background) I can add in a train. Hahaha...
Anyway, back to reality, plants please don't laugh or judge me.
Who knows that you had already judge me...
Oh! Time to leave this place as L will be coming and there were people trying to take pictures too. I shall not make them awkward.
Tall grasses pictures are always interesting to have but...
Their razor sharp edges can irritate my skin and might cut my suit too. So let's end my self-photo-shoot session here.
Waiting for L to show up and continue to explore more places where he has yet covered.
Sweet sweet moment - NOT CROWDED at all
Isn't that perfect? :D
First stop was Singapore Quarry
The crowd today was okay unlike during weekend
Not as ideal as what I expected but okay :)
Got judged by the visitors here as they just stared at me for being a weirdo
Yeah... anyway... I can't care much... I am not good looking to pull off stuff which I am not worthy of.
Thanks fishes for not judgy
Today got many canon-camera photographers trying to take a picture of a kingfisher. What a patience hobby
Last time I wanted to bring ZN to this place but mountain bikers were using the path
Today seemed rather safe to enter
Checking Left and Right, yes! it is safe!
Round tunnel :D
It has been a while since I visited here. I wanted to dress up as spidery here for pictures but... I am shy :3 Maybe next time when no one is around
One special thing about this tunnel is that it looks like a time wrap
attract you deep down to its spiral
If it moved in motion, we will go dizzy.
Continued down to the next quarry
Hi Trees! If there are more stranglers coming down, will be perfect!
Good afternoon Daily Farm Quarry. Long time I have never done a jumpshot. :D
Okay, It was getting hot now, let's double our steps
Before we got sunburn
As it was noon like 1+ and I was very hungry
I guessed... I should not think about it and...
Continued to complete the hike
Lunching will be a good one later
Spotted a small snake on the ground and whenever it moved to a slightly bare patch, it will wiggle-jump itself than climbing onto the hot surface. L had recorded that onto a video but I don't seem to be able to save his video.
It was getting hotter and hotter for sure
(picture credit L) Last shot for the day and I wanted to go home and become pig.
Thanks L for helping me to take pictures. I feel embarrassed for people to help to be honest unless they really don't mind and offer to. :) Thanks for the accompanying. See you again. As I know, this won't last long, after sometime, it will turn into a stranger-mode. What a stranger thing. I just have to treasure the moment.


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