Sunday, September 20, 2020

Hiking - Finally Get Him Out

Hi Blog,

Today was one achievement I made. I have one friend who I know for years and doesn't like to step out from his warm bed or go under the sun. Due to his personal issue, I encouraged him to break his norm so that he won't be stuck in the spiral too long. He agreed to wake up to go for a hike.

Hmmm... Miss Sky please don't be emo today.
I believe Miss Sky will make some adjustment for me
It seemed like Miss Sky was kind towards me :)
(Thanks Alv for helping me) Glad to have Alv to help me to take pictures for me. I always wanted to take a picture with this tree.
Since Alv doesn't mind, spam snapping. Hahaha
Today I will bring Alv to visit all three parks - Basic level for first-time hiker
Alv's first animal spotted - A family of monkeys
I wondered how many animals we can spot for this hike
First stop - Lower Peirce
Nice and peaceful Lower Peirce park is an easy place to start a hike.
At the same time, I told Alv to spare some moments to appreciate their effort for maintaining the growth of hornwort plants.
(thanks Alv) And spammed some pictures while I am still here
Our next destination after Lower Peirce
Rather windy today. If it was not windy, the lake will reflect like a mirror.
Since we were here, Should enjoy the beautiful scenery and...
(Thanks Alv) yes, Pictures are a compulsory unless that person feels that I am disgusting. So I appreciate the help.
Lets continue to find more animals along the way
Hmmm... Perhaps find a crocodile will be epic here.
I guess in Hevea Trail won't see such creature. I thought they misspelled of the word Heaven but after simple google search. It is actually stands for a genus of the rubber tree.
Oh! Hi Mr Sun, you woke up! Have you seen Alv? Do provide some vitamin D to him.
Treats him like plants so they can be strong!
Next stop - Upper Peirce
Usually, I will introduce two parks for the first-time hiker to observe how well they cope. 95% them can handle Lower Peirce without any issue, but Upper Peirce might be a problem for some.
After walking along the hell slopes, it made a great experience for first-time hiker and rewarded a beautiful scenery
Upper Peirce Park - my quiet place
Another view at Lower Peirce from Upper Peirce
(Thanks Alv) Be a hero in front of the lake.
(Thanks Alv) Or we can do it here?
Or by sitting down?
Or just smile to the camera :D
(Thanks Alv) I always want a shot which can take at a higher perspective and I guess this is the only maximum height.
Alright! Mr Sun was getting stronger and too crowded here as usual (I really missed the days during CB), and Alv can still walk.

Let's go to the next stop - Thomson Nature Park. Yes, as usual, time to show him the ruins and feed the mosquitoes time.
Thomson Nature Park is always quiet during the noon time. :) Great time to visit here
Yes Alv? Tired already? I could hear rain at a distance, perhaps we have to double our steps before the rain got us.
Alv spotted something which interested him.
Amazing to spot a relax dragonfly to model for us. Beautiful creature.
No matter what, I will always visit this house because it is so beautiful.
Like time suspended in the past
Wow! In my previous visit here, this fig tree had a lot of dried up spider-liked branches and now, it grows some more newer fig-fruits.
Spot some strangler plants and too bad, its roots got cut away.
OH! Alv, what did you spot?
He spotted the caterpillar got bullied by ants, and we rescued it
It has been a while since I saw it last time - It is a Bio-luminous mushrooms
Started raining...
Lucky we had a shelter nearby
We hurried home before the rain got any heavier. Great hike today!
Now my hiking idea got rather dried, what shoud I do during hiking and location too. Hope you won't mind.


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