Saturday, May 2, 2020

Hiking - Nothing New from Me

Hi Blog,

It is May already. I realised that I might have covered most SG areas so far... except the West side which I will like to reserve for myself with surprises. Anyway, might be doing a shorter post sooner... for my hiking experience because if I hike alone, I have to setup or find a spot to place my photographer (my camera) and pose for the shot. At time, I wish to take pictures in a different manner/style but that will require a person to take for me.

Nice weather today for a hike.
Usually... I don't like to trouble that person (whoever is hiking with me) too much. Can you imagine, walk walk walk... can you take a picture for me? then walk walk walk... can you take this scene with me in it? then continue walk walk walk... can you help me to take this angle? etc etc

Looking back most of my hike posts, you could tell what pose I will do already. Nothing new already
Doing usual stuff
Besides pictures of me wearing mask during this CB period
What's new beside getting rounder and older soon?
Trying to smile for the camera but can't spice up the post
I will prefer shots like this, engaging the surrounding but unable to do so as I need to setup which take time.
Well, at least fun-guy will just judge me at the corner. Hahaha
Oh well... Running with low motivation and lucky, Dongsaeng K wanted to go for a hike, if not, I don't know what to pull me out from bed.
Selfie in front of the mirror like other beautiful people do, which I can't do well to.
Today hike, we will cover three parks altogether. First, will be Lower Peirce. During CB mode, they closed the car park which greatly reduce the amount of visitors to the park. That worked well.
As you can see on the left, there are visitors but they are residents nearby.
Thanks Dongsaeng K for helping me for pictures :)
Great appreciation to him to take pictures for ugly me.
Despite lesser crowd, that doesn't mean ZERO visitor :)
to this beautiful park. Awww... I wanted to take pictures here sia
Anyway :) it is best to let Dongsaeng K to enjoy the scenery than asking too much
Who knows after that, he might vomit and pollute the park because of me.
I mentioned that we will cover three parks - Lower and Upper Peirce, and new one which was alerted to me by Dongsaeng K, the Thomson Nature Park
Lower Peirce is a short one, time for a long one - Upper Peirce
OOOO! As predicted, they closed the gate for vehicles to enter the park
Let's go in and see!
Wow! Lesser visitors!
No traffic during CB mode but cyclists and park visitors were around
Clear car park :D
Peaceful and that tranquility
Check out the blue blue sky!
Happy to visit a quiet park - Cheer! Hmm...
Thanks Dongsaeng for helping, high and low angle is achievable with great help.
A shot for Dongsaeng K, thank you for helping and accompanying.
This spot doesn't look like in Singapore. Hahaha. Perfect pic for my ig today
Better than this. :)
Time to go for the third park - Thomson Park
Welcome to Thomson Nature Park, for those who has not been here. You can check out my first visit (here) or visit it yourself.
Since all car parks were closed, Thomson Park is another park situated at remote location which means, it will be a quiet park!
Perfect to take pictures of the places and myself in peace
Wanted to enter the ruins but... the mosquitoes party just started so better stay away
Spot anything unique here? The power of Nature is amazing.
You can hear birds chirping, having fun around
Interesting ground at Thomson Nature Park
This ruin is a must to visit, more completed ruins
The present and the old.
It is beautiful to see the ruins so close.
Really wanted to stay for more pictures here but the mosquitoes got a bit crazier as they have free buffer
A fig tree stood in between the pavement
I always want to take a picture with this bamboo and finally wish granted.
Due to rainy season now, mushrooms can be spotted everywhere at Thomson Park
Since there is some help from friend, taking pictures with rock with name is compulsory. XD
Thank you Dongsaeng K for helping me today. :)
That reminds me that there are some friends of mine won't mind taking pictures for me, as long as I don't ask them to take for me like every single sec. I think it will be okay.

Well, time to time, I just have to test my creativity if I am drained with ideas.
I guess I will have to push my limit which requires some creativity. :)


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