Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Personal - January Randomness

Hi Blog,

Randomness is a good place to post my short entry of what is happening on my day. Hope you will like my randomness post.

Let's check it out!
13th Jan 2020 - Today I ate a bun which my auntie bought for me last night, and realised the sugar coated thingy was actually mould! I was about to take a bigger bite of it! Lucky I didn't have it, if not, I will be really ill! I guess I need to inspect things before consuming it.
14th Jan 2020 - Sometimes I have to learn to accept how my physique is. I did whatever I can to stay healthy even though I wished I can be "buffy Jeff" but under many unfavourable conditions, this is good enough... Since I spent many years hating myself, I might need a longer time to like it. Oh well... Don't need to give any good comment which I don't deserve. Just encourage me by supporting.
17th Jan 2020 - it has been a while since I fed my pitcher plants some slow release fertiliser, I glad they are growing well despite my negligence of time to time.
23rd Jan 2020 - Chinese New Year is coming sooner, how to get myself excited over this festive season (I am not excited though) just accompany my mother and auntie to visit Chong Pang (like a second Chinatown) and smell some fragrance of plants.
24th Jan 2020 - Chinese New Year eve and this year begins fast. Second year working as an admin staff, what a joyful experience :) hope the lion can bless everyone.
25th Jan 2020 - Happy New Year to Blog and everyone. Wish my readers if there is any who is reading this - I wish you have a blessed year ahead; even though the virus is still spreading, perhaps it is a good time to learn to treasure one another presence than taking for granted. When it striked then learned that every second is a blessing and blessed, seems rather late...
26th Jan 2020 - 2nd Day of CNY - too tired and taking nap whenever I can when... I was viewed like an outsider. Zzz
27th Jan 2020 - 3rd Day of CNY - Once again, I was invited to Mrs Y's place for a steamboat session with my ex-students. Great to catch up with them. :) Seeing them grow up and have partners, is a joy.
28th Jan 2020 - today I had a sudden urge to wear the long tights set because I have not been wearing it since I purchased it. Hmm... I don't see that I will wear that out, so it becomes my pajamas. At least, the hugging feeling from it, is comforting. At least my fat won't move too much.

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