Friday, January 31, 2020

Blog - January Overview

Hi Blog,

Recently I got overwhelmed by current sudden attention on my Line account... the response was just like how the deleted social media (my tumblr and twitter) Not that I desired for attention, I don't. All I just want, is to make friends with non-judgement and thinking-they-know-everything-about-me people. So I deleted my Line account and restarted. I have to say, it is all my fault for this. No more posting on my restarted line account.

Anyway So sorry that I have delayed on my posting because I can't write my blog posts at my workplace... Because too busy... but I will try to keep up my posting. Thanks for visiting.

1st Jan 2019 -
Half Completed
2nd Jan 2019 -
Another Ecosphere
5th Jan 2020 -
My Mother's Birthday
6th Jan 2020 -
Trisuit Theme #27
18th Jan 2020 -
New Upgrade
22nd Jan 2020 -
Zero Letency
31st Jan 2020 -
Trisuit Theme #28

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