Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Trip - Zero Latency SG

Hi Blog,

After trying my first VR gaming at Batam, I got hooked up with such simulation. Perhaps might invest some money to play for such experience. Today, my friends and I decided to fulfil our wishlist by visiting Zero Latency since there was a 40% discount promo code from my cousin, N.

Zero Latency SG at Suntec, which has a cool exterior entrance. Can't wait!
Before we started the game, we need to arrive earlier for briefing session. The crew explained how we can use the gun, safety precautions like bump to one another and wall; it will indicate in our vision. I feel much appreciated when the VR goggles have this degree adjustment for me - the high short sighted person to play at ease without my spectacles (max 600, anyone who is over 600, is advisable to wear contract lenses)

(image source from Dribble) we picked this Zombie survival game as in why not? Haha nah, it was because for the first timing playing, best to play in a world where we are familiarised with.
(image source from vrfitnessinsider) this will be our guns with a some basic functions which we need to know - in the game, we have two weapons (assault rifle and shotgun) we may need to press on the blue button to switch weapons, and as for reload - the assault rifle, it will auto reload and fire. Shotgun will need to pull the fore-end in order to fire the next shot. Press on the green button to reload anytime. Whatever bonus weapons found in the game - can't be switched or reload.
Everyone geared up and ready for the game
Helping to their photos individually
(image source from Lester Chan) here is the simulation floor. They have a few safety measurement in the game like if you are too close to one another, the game will pause until we spaced ourselves to safe zone. Even if we closer to the wall, they will show within our goggles. Best features to have.
(image source from Forbes) and this is what we see in the VR goggles even though I wish it will be a better realistic graphic :) that will be for the future.
After completion on the stages, we decided to take a group picture together with the help of a friendly crew
GG Good Game! Guys! We did well.
Even though my score was the least, I know the reason because I didn't stand in front of my team and trying to kill all zombies. I tried to find the possible zombies entrance of the counter and finished them all there while the rest covered the wider zone. There were moments when I will be idling because it was not hot spot for zombie spawning. So I focused on using shotgun to go for the head. As you can see 96, I got 76 head shots. Many of us went for the heads.
Still a loser :D
At least we had fun and excited at Zero Latency. Hope they have bigger space and more rooms to host more clients.
Cool logo BTW :)
Overall the experience at Zero Latency was 8.5/10 it is a refreshing and great bonding session with my friends. We felt like going back to our childhood moments (which we didn't have) or at least something which we achieved together. If the gameplay timing can be longer, will be fun.

I gave my feedback to Zero Latency after the game, is to have a screen record of our gameplay and real time filming of our actions, make it into dvd. It will be an awesome thing. I understand that they have to keep it away from potential business-rivals. Oh well... That's sxxk.


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