Saturday, November 30, 2019

Personal - November Randomness

Hi Blog,

There is one decision that I had decided, that is I won't be posting anymore easter eggs in any posts. I just feel that I am just too lame to do such thing, and it is just a boring and easily judged thing... So time to end the egghunt. (If you aren't sure what you are reading, then it is better to keep it unknown.)

4th Nov 2019 - It has been a while since I went for a grocery-window-shopping. Those colourful package made me so full.
6th Nov 2019 - Today I received an appreciation gift from students - a drawing of me with some words of gratitude behind. Thank you kids :) Too bad, I can't teach you guys through your 6 years in school...
6th Nov 2019 - Even since Oct, I started to learn to memorise moonlight sonata piano key sequences through YouTube tutorial, I managed to remember the first 1min of the famous music. I must say, it requires a lot of hard work and supports from people who are around me, as They will have to listen this imperfect played music for many many times. I am not surprised that they might chase me out from the place where places a piano. After this first min, I checked the tutorial, it got crazier and difficult... I will have to practice more and more. Just to show my Love for this music piece since I was a teenager, has never changed... Just like how I love Spider. Hope you like my first 1 min piano play
8th Nov 2019 - My ever first recognition award from school. Working for so long but they can't give me anything due to I was a vendor and now I am an official staff, here comes along with a cert of appreciation. Well... Just like my love life... many ladies just don't take me as their date of choice due to... I am not qualified enough... despite I am no problem with it... Oh well, I will just continue to do what is best for everyone and learn to be selfless (as I am too petty)
9th Nov 2019 - My waterbag was spoiled, time to do some shopping trip at Decalthon and got myself a new waterbag :) So from today, my new waterbag will continue exploring the journey with me.
10th Nov 2019 - Mr K wanted me to bring my foldable tent down to Pasir Ris Park so he can think through whatever he should get one himself or not. Since I was at Pasir Ris. I was lucky enough to bump to some of my ex-students; oh man, they grew up so fast and yet I am still the same.
20th Nov 2019 - Happy Birthday WJ. Went through many meetings together, so we will have to throw a surprised party after meeting. Watching you grow up from kids and now an adult (27 years old this year! Knew him for 20 years+!!!) Really aging...
22nd Nov 2019 - recently due to some financial burden due to trust issue, now I am penniless... Have to ration my expenses and save again... No more loaning to that person anymore.
23rd Nov 2019 - Today I visited Lazarus Island, witnessed the cleanliness of the beach. Thank you beach cleaners and volunteers to make it beautiful again. Weird... Today island-visit, I didn't make any long post on the island camping recce... Perhaps... I just wanted to get the sea-plants for my eco-sphere. So sorry I didn't take pictures.
27th Nov 2019 - Hahaha... This was my first time breaking a lock and need some guidance... after a few lessons from the pro, I have unlocked an achievement. Achievement Unlocked! Pun Intended.
30th Nov 2019 - Years and years of my youth, working, accompanying, guiding, watching the fruits started to grow and leading, and today is your bday. Happy Birthday to you BJ. Many years to come.

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