Sunday, March 19, 2017

Trip - Ubin Quarries

Good morning Blog,

Jon invited us to go for Ubin for a cycling trip with Mr L. These few days I had been engaging workouts, tiring but I feel that is the minimum I can do... Even though my tummy has no improvement in size than getting thicker/bigger... I have to continue to workout. Thank you blog for not judging me for looking fat and ugly... Anyway let's continue my post.

Waiting for bus to come... So long....late again...
Btw I decided to wear a tee over my trisuit, I guess not many people will be comforted over it.
I remembered that I told the pupils to bring min of $25 for the whole trip. Let's see whether is that amount enough. From Bishan to Changi Village by Bus 59, it took around 1hr 20 mins to travel.... Oh my... Meet the rest at Changi Village, then moved to jetty to take a boat ride.

On the way
Paid $3 for the ride and another $3 for return trip, so $6 was out!
Thank you Uncle for riding us safety.
Nice weather today
Hello everyone! Jon, YM, Fio, Asy, and Mr L
TBH, The camera on Mr L's phone is awesome.
Reached Ubin
let's check the map
or let's take photo while it was low tide!
Looked like different landscape! Let's DAB here!
My primary purpose was to visit all quarries on this island which I didn't manage to cover previously.

Pekan Quarry (jumplink)
Ubin Quarry (jumplink for West view) and (jumplink for Puaka Hill)
Ketam Quarry (jumplink)
Kekek Quarry (jumplink)
Balai Quarry (jumplink)
Getting a bike
As usual, we will rent our bike from this stall, despite of ok-ok condition, but because of a dollar discount from the boss.
$13 dollar for the rental ($6 + 13 = 19)
Pray for safe trip on this island
quiet island
Can you image there isn't a decent road many years ago?
Mr L got into shorts-torn situation, instead of wanted to go back home after landing his feet on this island for not more than 20 mins, he wanted to have my tee so that he can wear over to cover the big 'hole' at behind his shorts. I guess I will have to walk around in trisuit... Oh well, at least my tee have served it's purpose, and who knows it might become a new fashion trend?
Oh well... I guess Trisuit then, showing my BIG FAT tummy!
It will be interesting to stay in such a living environment for some times
To live in the minimalism lifestyle
Pekan Quarry
The first quarry which is located near the village
A place for bird-viewers and nature enthusiasts.
sometimes I wish I can use a drone to capture such a nice scene
Oh my! It was getting hot now...
let's have our first wefie together
Did some stretching before cycling
Beautiful scene with the reflection
With my epic ugly face to spoil the scenery!
Oh yes! Today photoshoot I decided to perform a jumpshot because it is great to see myself 'floating'.
Ubin Quarry (West View)
second easy access point to the next quarry - Ubin Quarry (west view)
There was a small path at this West View of Ubin Quarry
I guess I will try to explore this path next time
Due to thick vegetation, you can't get any good shot from here.
Thumb up for Jon for organizing this trip
Look! Mr Jeff, there is an island to be explored! (imagination)
Then we should go around that island to study its terrain. (imagination)
hmmmm we had a situation... Mr L had a heat exhaustion and he needed a place to rest himself.
We got worried that he might black out on this island, so everyone was trying their best to buy 100 plus or watch over him. So after nearly 30 mins, we managed to get him to nearby stall so he can rest there, as we will travel west to find the quarries.
Ketam Quarry
Ketam quarry is located West side of Ubin, easy access along the route.
Danger zone though
If I have a zoom-in lens, I will take a picture opposite this end.
admiring the beautiful scenery
If we have a drone here, might be able to take nicer pictures with quarry in it
We were everywhere until a HOT SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love the connection with the sky and earth
Let's go to the next hidden quarry!
Kekek Quarry
This is the quarry which I missed out, Kekek Quarry.
On the map, there is not path to walk in. We have to really explore the route and we did!
we were so HAPPY to find it!
Look at such beauty!
Clean and clear water, you can see fishes swimming around to check us out.
greenish water, still clean!
If the tree branch is thick enough, I will try to walk there,
I can jump into the quarry but.... NOPE. :)
what a peaceful man-made lake and under this, it might be 20 - 30m deep!
I wonder what do the fishes see under the 'abyss'.
Sit back and enjoy the tranquility
and selfie-ing.
Thanks Jon for helping me to take this picture
Fat man with Fantastic Quarry - totally opposite and spoiled the sight
There is this gate infront of Kekek Quarry
So we should not be here but thanks for 'allowing' us to enter to enjoy the scene.
Back to find Mr L
A humble-looking drink stall which serves the visitors a shelter and drinks.
Life living on this island really stop in time.
Love the stress-less environment but it is just temporary
I doubt I will come here again unless of good reason, so... let jump!
Somehow the feeling is loneliness... which I don't like... I prefer to back to city.
After Mr L had done resting, we decided to cycle back to the village to have a short meal and exchange to better bike.

We come again to this stall.
where there is a spacious resting area at the back of the stall.
My lunch - Coconut, which costs $5 ($6 + 13 + 5 = $24)
The boss claimed the small one will cost $4.20 and this big one will be $5,
and it worth the price. I must say, he is right.
Balai Quarry
A path which leads to no where... I feel I should take this path to explore the island.
We tried to speed up the whole trip, we decided to cycle against the cycling traffic to visit this Balai Quarry
Due to thick vegetation and my short body, I can't take any nice view of  Balai Quarry.
Balai Quarry has two parts - the one which is easily accessed and viewed is Part A of Balai. There is another bigger version of Balai Quarry - Part B. Due to time constrict and many other restrictions, I can't visit part B of Balai Quarry.

So that's why I said, I only manage to clear 11.5 quarries, I will be back!

Ubin Quarry - Hill View

Last stop will be the most beautiful quarry of all - Ubin Quarry.

Checking on the map and count the total quarries on this island, and I was right!
There are five on this island!
Smile everyone!
It is at Puaka Hill where we parked our bikes here - it is safe to do so; even though I still feel uncertain...
well... Hope for the BEST and prepare for the WORST.

Taking picture of someone taking wefie

There are two viewing sites to view the scenery, and this site is half of the quarry hill.
Nothing special than the one where we were heading to.
Come on Jon! Where are you looking at?
After another 5-10 mins climbing up the slope
finally we arrived!
to Heaven
and hell if any mishaps... Hope no one plays a fool here!
Those vegetation really.... :(
oh well... Still thumb up for such awesome place!
It's great that the rock is stable!
and they can hold the weight of a fatman like me
Mr L's epic fashion sense was majestic here with the quarry!

Picture of taking pictures :D
Thanks for the visitor to take a group picture for us
and dab again!

Picture of taking picture one more time!
Going back

Are we going back now?
My tummy was feeling weird though... I guess I need to pee!!!
and feeling relief after released... XD
a group jump shot to end our trip!
Thanks Heaven that everyone is safe and sound.
Total cost  = $24! Best is to bring $30, you won't know what will happen next.
back and fore, one day I will be back.
Now I became red lobster and thanks Heaven, I don't feel that painful due to my dark skin. Overall, it was an enjoyable trip!


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