Thursday, March 9, 2017

Movie Review - The Dog's Purpose

Hi Blog,

Long time I have not posting a movie review because I don't know how to write a review with my limited English restriction. I guess I need to find a personal style to write one, since YouTubers actually did a better job; but I will try my best to update it.

I think.... if there are some responses from readers (if there is any) will actually help me to discover how to make my post interesting. Hmmmmm I think I expect too much... Since it is a personal post/blog, I will write down my thoughts (take away thoughts) for my movie reviews to you, Blog.



After watching the Trailer
Funny thing after watching the trailer, I thought of having a Corgi as pet, which can accompany me, so after watching this trailer last year, it got me excited until screening date.

The message I got after watching the trailer, this movie is about this dog (due to short life) reincarnated many lives as dogs, trying to find it's purpose for being a dog and still holding onto the memories of its previous lives.

After watching the Movie
Beside those death scenes of the dogs, I learned we must really appreciate every dogs and treasure the moments with it. The dog really needs our love and attention, so I reflected back upon myself to have a corgi.... to be honest, it needs all the love that it deserves when I hardly have time due to commitment, I have been selfish to have a dog to resolve my loneliness. So I decide not keep a dog, because it is heartbreaking to see it alone.

This movie also made me think, we human will also (I believe in reincarnation) go through such arrangement like why/how we meet one another? Why I meet particular person in this present life? I believe because we met one another before; interacted before; and we meet again today; in future we will be meeting one another again, but all in different bodies/forms. Purpose? To help one another to grow spiritually and one more BIGGER and GREATER goal. 

What is it? Hahaha I know what is it because I am doing it now, and I have been doing it since my many lives and will continue doing it, I will not go into detail but it is a 10800 years of mission,


I love the song in Dog's purpose - very echo-ing, it makes me feel like standing on the top of the hill, watching down the world and open my arms to embrace the light (Heaven's Grace) and wind (challenges). Reset my mind and move forward, be strong.


3.8/5 Recommended
This will be a MUST-WATCH movie for Dog lovers and decent movie for typical movie-goers, the many lives of the dogs somehow touch and go, which doesn't allow us to grow any strong attachment especially when it reincarnated and owned by different owners.

Beside the death of the dog cheap-steal our tears. I guess you can watch it with the awww-feeling by the cute dog's action and perspective of its life. I guess it is not easy to expect a dog to act according to the script.

At least it gave me some deep thought moment, so it is okay.


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