Sunday, March 12, 2017

Cycling - Visiting Old Friend

Hi Blog,

My wife, Fatbike is complaining that I didn't bring her out for a ride at all. I am sorry my wife, today I will spend some time with you. Let's go and visit my old friend who stays alone at the North side of Singapore.

getting ready for today ride
Today blog post was a short one and I just took a few pictures - feeling happy and meaningful to visit my old friend - Pe.

Selfie time!
To be honest, staying alone in a apartment can be lonely. So since I need to cycle at certain distance than visiting the quiet place, home visit and chit chatting  with old friend will be good. I think it will be great to visit him once a month.
After an hour of short visit, I cycled to Upper Seletar and it is a great place!
I guess I will visit this place again.
My wife and me.
Thumb up for this place and I believe if there is a sunset, this place will be an awesome place for photography.
and due to time restriction, I have to go back home and visit this place again,
(here is the link where I visited upper Seletar again - reserved)
Have a good weekend whoever reading this.
(speaking to myself in empty room. hahaha)

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