Saturday, March 4, 2017

Nature - Glow-in-the-Dark Mushrooms

Hi Blog,

Today I went to Chestnut Nature park and I found something unique - Glow-in-the-Dark/Bioluminescence Mushrooms! I guess I am no researcher, whatever question about glowing/bioluminescence mushrooms, I shall link some YouTube videos so you (mainly it is for me) can understand its purpose and one guy managed to capture its glow at the awesome quality (link)

Small and humble mushroom - Mycena manipularis
Mycena manipularis
Under side of the mushrooms
It has some unique gills.
Hmmmm I guess I will try to retake the pictures with DSLR
Let's do it in the dark!

iPhone can't really take great photo
Difficult to capture with iPhone
ghostly glow
one of my BEST pictures 
Based on ZhengNan Jelvis, he said it is due to the presence of Green Fluorescent Protein. Hmmmm... credit to YouTuber explained, it seems like it has a great purpose to be used in gene modification. (video below)

And I am keeping it in a glass jar and hope one day it will grow more mushrooms, I will collect more logs next time.

here are some useful videos which are great info.

~Updated on 6/3/2017~
The mushrooms died.... because I sealed the lid and too much water actaully killed it... so sigh...

~Updated on 11/4/2017~
I throw away the jar and can only treasure the glowing mushrooms in the wood. Thank you and sorry Mother Nature.


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