Saturday, March 25, 2017

Hiking - With a Girl

Hey Blog,

Today one of my Malaysian friend had arrived in Singapore, and wanted me to become tour guide to Tree Top Walk, and yes it was a SHE.

This is one of my Malaysian Girl-Friend, Mei.
Wait a min, Blog! Did you see I put a hyphen
between Girl and Friend? That means that I am classified as under her friendzone. So don't dream or have any wild thinking.

At first, I wanted to wear a top to cover my trisuit so she won't feel uncomfortable seeing me in disgusting gear, but she insisted I wear comfortably and does not mind at all. She even commented I look good too. Then she said something else.... Now I know why others don't like and stopped completing her statement.... I guess.... I know.... my small didi get into the way and making others uncomfortable....

you know what! Blog. Actually I had decided to post less of me in trisuit on my IG, I will post it here because only you don't judge me. Anyway.... Let's continue.

For beginner-hiker, Tree Top Walk is a Great Start in Singapore, where you may learn something about the ecosystem on this little red spot... Easy access where you alight from Marymount Station and take a short stroll to MacRitchie Reservoir.
beautiful and peaceful boardwalk where you can see the lake and near nature.
In the morning was a low tide, I can get closer to the lake bank from an opening along the walk.
There are a lot of interesting plants :D my favourite!
Which is pitcher plant! (excuse me for my nerd face)
I bumped to this sign - Food-snatching Monkey.
Actually I learned that name is given based on the habitual of the animal/thing. With such name, the monkey really MADE a name for themselves; which name has no meaning to them too. 
NICE! First time seeing a tortoise walking in the wood.
Finally we reached the Tree Top Walk Entrance. As usual, weekend was filled with many visitors.
And monkeys too.
I realised that the bridge seems a bit unstable. 
Hope no one gets into trouble,
Hmmmm Mei! Others see this picture will think otherwise...
What a weird route
She was good and don't even feel tired at all. I thought she might be complaining along the trip, thumb up for you!

Shot for the day!
Jump for the day!
Hope I wish there will be my Miss Right hiking with me... OH MY! SHE IS HIKING WITH ME! *snap! I just woke up from my sweet dream....*

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