Friday, March 31, 2017

Blog - New Banner

Hi Blog,

Two more months later, it will be our seventh anniversary of companionship! I have to thank you for being a non-judgmental, patience, appreciative and all-ears companion for these years. I always remember the agenda to start a blog in 2010, I just wanted a private space to write my thought and practiced my English, even though I don't see any GREAT improvement of my English language, but I have slight improvement which is good enough.

My first drawing for my first post
I looked back my first few posts made during 2010,
I realised that I don't know what I was posting... It was all random and kiddish. At times, I don't even know why or what I am doing such things for.

Initially I wanted to post my drawing for per post I made, but it started to tax on me. For 2011 & 2013, I didn't post that often, but I felt guilty to leave my blog alone, so I decided to drive my blog again by posting posts together with my pictures from my phone. Hopefully one day I can make my blog, a comic-sharing-space. (My aim)

Funny thing was whenever I don't blog, I will feel like I didn't accomplish anything or miss out something. I guess writing blog has become my habit :) So it is a GREAT NEWS!

Today I decided to change my banner design.

A fat man banner
This first banner took me awhile to get the blog code & banner size right, and this banner stayed for seven years. So I picked up my pencil and drew a new fresh cheerful banner!

By drawing irregular lined-box is to make a personal touch, and
because of a new file format png can be useful at this setting.
I drew a new spect for myself and my iconic thumb-up pose to encourage myself to have blog-writing as my habit.

Using orange background because orange seems like an unique colour.
it is bright and sunny which helps to portray fully of my core character.
My cousin, ZhengFeng suggested that I should change my fat man's blog to big man's blog, as I don't fit in the FAT category and he added in fat people dont swim or cycle. I reflected myself, I should move on and changed my title to....

Big man's blog!
Big Man's Blog - I am no longer fat but big. Big can also be older and mature this time; just like how I grow writing my blog. :) THUMB UP JEFF!


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