Friday, March 31, 2017

Personal - Random Moments On March

Hi Blog,

At times I will capture myself posing random stuff with my camera so I just gather all of them as one post. Here is the random moments for March.
02 March 2017 (Found my 2nd parallel me)
My friend found a news article about a young guy who looks like me,
so I decided to have fun. Hope you will contribute back to the world with whatever abilities you got
than harvesting for your own. 
He is Chen Yu Ren.
Here is the news about him. (not sure this is real or fake)
My first and his name is Jinhua Yang
Here is his news.
so far I managed to find two who look like me. hahah
06 March 2017 (1st Visit Nature Cafe Pte Ltd)
My first time dining at Nature Cafe but also my last time to have it there,
as they will be shifting out... seems like having a business isn't easy.... sometimes work simplicity is happiness.

and something happened to me today.

Just managed to have the guts to walk up to a pretty girl who is sitting at a cafe, just to compliment her.
Walked up to her confidently, "Hi lady, you know something."
She looked up with her beautiful eyes, trying to figure out the situation.
And I continued, "you look very prettiful." (I was thinking of saying beautiful!)
Then I woke up from my short nap on the bus, feeling embarrassed over the dream....

Prettiful (beautiful and pretty! OMG!)

if she is real, she might help me to wake up by slapping me. Haha
08 March 2017 (Sewing a keychain doll)
Today Staff bonding session - sewing and I picked a seal.
I realised that not many people know how to sew, I am not taught to sew too.
but I do know how the basic sub-consciously.

I remembered when I was young, I picked up a thread and needle to fix some of my shorts myself, solved thing on my own hands. I know that I am special because I learn differently. I should not sell myself low and continue to learn, and most importantly is to accept whom I am. Jia you! Jeff.
10 March 2017 (Picked a small shirt)
How you guys like this polo tee? This is Dxmai Primary School pupils' tee.
Many staff felt my tee is too tight and small for me but I prefer fitting attire as it won't look sloppy on me.
And some people might think twice on me.... I guess because my body image isn't that prime or shaped.

but to be honest, I am proud of myself to maintain my body size, even though I am not good looking and fat myself.

I must say that I have great improve since last time, so don't judge.
13 March 2017 (Selfie infront of mirror)
Fat or slim... Most importantly is to keep up a healthy lifestyle and accept myself infront of mirror which I failed to do so when I was young.
16 March 2017 (Grocery in suit)
okay.... I know I looked awkward for the shoppers... but to think again.... WHO CARES!?
17 March 2017 (Just too tired...)
These few days were school holiday and sooner the quiet moment will be over...
Just enjoy the moment.
18 March 2017 (relax and fattening Saturday)
My first time wearing my water bag to shop around, instead of carrying my big bag,

I just wanted to dress down for the days..... as I will be having a buffet during dinner time... fat fat fat again.
20 March 2017 (School Reopen!)
To look at myself again... Maintain my weight will be my fighting strategy.
28 March 2017 (Mistake of the day)
After today addition, I just realized I have 13 trisuit in total?! Time to end this.
time to stop 🛑 end my trisuit wardrobe. Last Trisuit in my Life!
Overview of this month, beside focus on food, I am setting some aim to change my bad habits like stop resting my legs on the front seat, no more trisuit purchasing and change my expression of saying Jinjjia loudly. I can do it!


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