Friday, March 31, 2017

Blog - My March Workout Overview

Hi Blog,

My third post of the overview, do you like it? Hmmm I guess it is for myself than viewers if there is any. Oh well.... here are my picture summary of my workout
4 March 2017 (Chestnut Nature Revisit)
Finding unique fun-guy during this trip and I found it. (read more)
5 March 2017 (Revisiting to Chestnut)
Collecting some materials for mushroom (read more)
11 March 2017 (Guide for Quarries)
Finally took a picture at Hillview Ave (read more)
12 March 2017 (Visit Old Friend)
First time visit to Upper Seletar reservoir (link)
12 March 2017 (Short Night Swim)
Swim for fun, time to wash my white trunk properly
15 March 2017 (First Cycling for 2017 to work)
Getting fat or stay same shape? Since I can't slim down then I shall pick staying the same.
16 March 2017 (Cycle more!)
At first, I wanted to wear trisuit for this cycling opportunity but... I think again.... Better don't.
17 March 2017 (Last cycling for the month)
As fat as usual, I went for the last ride (night cycling) for the month after work.
To be honest... I got so tired and I hardly have any energy to pose (last picture) as 'Vitruvian Man engraving by Leonardo da Vinci'... it is rare to find such a circle to pose as one... So embarrassed to ask someone to take picture for me in that...  anyway, I got so tired... I just took one without checking and quickly cycled home.... I guess I will take again next time.
18 March 2017 (The earliest swimming time)
My swimming buddy and I decided to change hiking to swimming, so ended up we reached the pool by 830am.
The cooling water was refreshing.
19 March 2017 (Ubin Exploration)
Purpose of the trip was to find all quarries on Pulau Ubin (read more)
26 March 2017 (Hiking with a girl)
First time hike with one of my girl-friend (read more)
Overall March workout was a causal one, on 31 March, I want to do a short jog but errand got its way. Oh well, Lets prepare for April workout!


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