Saturday, March 11, 2017

Hiking - Hike with Mr Oh and His Son

Hi Blog,

Today I had an arrangement with Mr Oh, one of my former colleague in my ex-school, as he has not visited Singapore quarries before, so I became his guide for the day.

Great weather for the day and quiet street too.
Then I read Mr Oh will be bringing his kid along - WeiHe. It started to make me worrying.... I counted... he should be Primary 4 (10 years old for 2017).

Wear a tee over and traveled around in public transport, then removed my tee in the toilet.
Really... I can't stand the sweat sticking on my back, feeling wet and smelly.
Mr Oh decided to cover all 6 quarries around Bukit Timah area today and wanted to bring his son along, so he can workout and experience the long distance walk. I calculated that the possibility for unable to complete all six, is high. Oh well, lets hope for the best.

Hi Mr Oh! Long time no see! Oh my! WeiHe grows up!
I remembered, I saw him when he was in K2.

Let's start with something easier - Hindhede Quarry but it was under renovation.
Next - Singapore Quarry.
Still beautiful as it is.
Along the way like first 30 mins, Weihe already having trouble in walking but he still made it for this point.
Cloudless sky today
Trying hard to walk to third quarry, Weihe was simply dragging himself for this trip.
My favourite quarry - Diary Farm Quarry
Thanks grasscutter for maintaining this place. :)
Bright and sunny :D Great!
Hmmmm where are they gone to? Hahaha they went close the quarry and hid under the shelter.
I guessed not much time left, proceed to forth quarry.
I told Mr Oh to walk to Hillview Ave and I wanted to take a picture of an awesome view below.

How I wished there are clouds behind me...
but cloudless was good enough!
because from Diary Farm Quarry to forth quarry needs to walk for 2km, we decided to take bus there.
Forth Quarry - Bukit Batok Quarry
Weihe really cannot take it and he wanted to go back home.
Somehow I smelled rain in a distance...
Look like it will rain during afternoon time (and it rained)
busy checking and playing game while waiting
Fifth quarry - Bukit Gombak Quarry (little Guilin) and it almost killing Weihe. Hahaha..
I suggested we will stop here and exited to MRT back.
achievement for Weihe and his father, Mr Oh.
Mr Oh sent me this, even though nearly 11km walk to me, I don't feel a thing but to a little kid like him, it matters and do required certain training and determination to walk at ease. That actually tells me, I am doing it well.
I guess for young hiker, it is best to start small like 2km and expand the range slowly. Well Done Weihe! You Did it well!


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