Sunday, January 18, 2015

Cycling - With GoPro!

Hi Blog,

You know what I found in my new workplace? I found Gopro camera in their inventory list! Omg! I always want to borrow and experience it to determine whether is there a need for me to spend. The best part is I can use it anytime I want, as long as I don't steal it. 

This weekend, I had tried the gopro and cycled around with my fatbike (have not been cycling for weeks). Let's test its widerness and I will say it is omg wide which didn't distort the image that much.

The space between my handle and my body is just 30cm and it managed to capture my arms and face.

For selfie picture, it is definitely did a great job! My fat face will appear small and it captures everything!

Gopro manages light/exposure very well. Despite of the bright sun behind my back, it still retain the brightness of the shadow. Thumb up for this!!!

As for normal scenery, it manages to have everything in and no distortion - no fisheye effect. 

As for resolution, it is still above average quality. Cannot expect much from a small-body gopro.

Generally, the gopro black 3+ is a wonderful camera. I am just hope they can improvise the function/menu for gopro - still find difficult to navigate through the menu and hope it has a self-timer function in their next series.

Okay! Let's cycle back!!!


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