Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Personal - S.E.A Aquarium Trip and Happy Birthday Mother

Hi Blog,

Today is my mother's birthday, thank you mother for taking good care of us and tolerate us. Learning to live together is an art. Due to it is her birthday, my sister bought a pair of ticket and wanted me to bring my mother to S.E.A Aquarium. She got a cheaper deal from carousell if not, it might take us years to get ourselves to go such places.

Anyway let's talk about Sentosa S.E.A Aquarium.
Sentosa S.E.A Aquarium is one of newest theme park to explore. Previously there is underwater world theme park but not much improvements have been done for years, with this new theme park where shows aquariums of fishes Categoried into different depths/areas/countries/water/seas . The most exciting thing about it when you compared with underwater world, they are an obviously huge place and to host many gigantic tanks. People especially me, will enjoy the sight of its graciousness and freedom of fishes swimming around - some swim in schools, some swim in pair and some will prefer to swim alone, and not to forget that to get close encounter with giant fishes.

You can check the website for more detail. 

The Christmas was just a few days ago, so we are greeted by their Christmas decoration at the entry of the aquarium. But It is noticeably crowded! Kind of spoiled the mood. Well... I should repent for having such thoughts.

The actual place is quite big and confusing. It takes me awhile to understand the overlay with the help of the map.

The first gigantic tank already prepared us what can we expect to see next in sea aquarium, especially those fishes.

The thick wall is the most important element to hold the weight of the water. It is no joke to see such setup required how much calculations and preparations. Thank you those people who ensure its safety especially the curve glasses tunnel.

Crowded is the only word I can describe for the first tunnel. No wonder in one of South Park espiode - Carman just wants to have the theme park solely for himself due to his frustration over long hour of queuing for a station. I guess I can't help to feel that way. Well, not to spoil the mood, just move on and enjoy the trip.

Check out the size for this fish.
Whenever a big fish swims next right beside us, I feel like to tap on the glasses and say "awwww.... Fishy fishy fishy." Sound familiar.... Hmmmm... Oh it was from a movie below! 

Anyway really cannot stand the crowd (I believe that is how others feel) because they just simply stop at that certain tanks and all you see is a branch of people than fishes. Sigh.... If SEA aquarium is going to practice what Eyes trick museum method - limit the number of people, I bet it will simply spoil our mood asap by waiting. Well.... I guess there is no perfect method, just manage our feeling, learn to share and accept the fact positively. 

Beside having their tanks display horizontally, there is one just below us. Leopard Sharks and stingrays swim under our feet. (Ranting again) not to mention how many people will make strawberry jam here.

Below are some shots (part 1) I managed to get after squeezing my way near toward the tank and managed to get some of their names right!!!! I am a Pro. Just kidding.

Pipefish "Can we smoke at it?"
Frogfish "What are you staring at"
Leafy Seadragon "My favourite sea creature."
Other than normal typical thick-glass tanks, there is a cylindrical fish tank. Nice to look at in different angles, it will be beautiful if the corals are real than plastic.

I guess my mother is tired.
Here comes my part 2 fish shots which I managed to get.

schooling of fishes swim in sync
some random fishes
Nautilus "I find difficult to pronoun its name but this is one of my favourite fishes to witness it alive. I have their beautiful shell at home. Do Check out the two videos, another one and Sir David Attenborough's video about it too.) 
Here come to the most exciting area - Jellyfish platform. Their transparent jelly-looking bodies and aimlessly swimming style make them look harmless which we are easily deceived by them. It is best to admire their beauty behind the glass.

Manage to get a time lapse of jellyfishes swimming :) look so calm and nice.

A video posted by Jeffery Wong (@3sgjeffery) on

Lastly, we have come to the BIGGEST tank display of all where you will see Devil rays and slightly bigger fishes swimming in the traffic like as if they are on their way to work.

Part 3 of my fish shoots collection. 

Sea urchin 
Yippee!! Fouund! Lionfish or Scorpionfish! "My favourite beautiful display fish of all!" 
Moray Eel "Badass looking eel but behaves like a gentle cat"
Last stop, the shark container. Sometimes How I wish to see Great white Shark. LOL

Thanks S.E.A. Aquarium for the effort and money spent in this aquariums. Hope the fishes can be well taken care of. I will drop by again. :) when... the crowd is less dense......


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