Friday, January 2, 2015

Personal - First Experience at new Workplace

Hey blog,

Today is my first day of work, after a day break, the feeling is mixed and nervous. I also afraid I might be late to work so I decide to report earlier.

First thing in the morning is to learn how to update their school website, so I become Dxmxi web master - using their online web editing portal, just like Pxrk View. I will say the one who comes out this idea is a genius; sometimes I hope I can learn something from him. 

After that, I orient myself in the school, kind of run down but it is just a temporary holding school, sooner they will move to a new place where is beside it. The current school where we are using, was formerly Bedxk West primary, and now the two schools merged become Dxmxi primary. Since there is a Dxmxi secondary which is just beside it so that was how they decided to reuse that name than Bedxk West.

My lunch time is a "troublesome" one because usually there is 15% chance that the school canteen has a vegetarian menu, and yes they don't. So I try to scout around for my meal. Beside Dxmxi Primary, there is a big market place where NTUC, Sheng Song, McDonald, many coffeeshops/eating houses and other small shops.

After a completed circle, I realised there is no vegetarian stall at all. Sigh.... I give up and decide to have my meal at the small coffeeshop away from the market and near t the school. Just when I get closer, I find a small vegetarian stall!!!

And they change menus everyday, so I order a mixed vegetables rice. Feeling thankful for such arrangement and findings.


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