Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Personal - Going back to PV

Hi Blog,

A short post. :) 

MISS MY CASTING (inside joke) COUCH!!!
Today I was asked to come in early for some duties and I also can leave 30mins earlier. XD so I decided to go back to PV to surprise the people over there. There is  also another reason is to determine the timing of traveling from DM to PV, hence during CNY eve, DM ends by 10am and as PV ends by 10:30am so I can go back and see the folks there.

So I took bus 22 back to Pasir ris drive 1 and switch to another bus. It took like nearly an hour to reach PV. Fainted.... 

When I reached there, it is already 5:28pm. But still managed to surprise our librarian, guards, some teachers and staff, another one is Louis :)

A picture with Louis, closing his eyes due to bright sunset.
Found Fiona (Jonathan's sister) and Leonard on the bus
Beside the school visit, I also wanted to talk to the vegetarian stall owner to find out what is their operation time on cny eve. Beside those, there is one thing I need to do, is to be Santa Claus for one of PSG member because I know she likes Cempedak and there are sale of Cempedak in NTUC.  

I found this in NTUC, so I sent her a message to thanks her for her hospitality when I was in PV.
This fruit brings back memories. :)  

I dropped the cempedak at her doorstep while she was out to fetch her daughter from school. Hope it surprised her. :) Love to do such things. She messaged me those pictures below. :D I am glad the content looks yummy. :D

I conclude I will take a cab to PV during CNY eve.

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