Thursday, January 1, 2015

Blog - Happy 2015

Happy New Year! Jeff!

Last year was a challenging year for you - many misunderstandings, many setbacks and I also understand it will be quite lonely and depressing. 

As your blog, I am here to lend you a reading ear (listening ear) and trying to understand you. Don't be upset over setbacks; until the end of the day, what have you learned from it? 

Don't think there isn't anyone for you. :) there is, they are always there for you. You forgot what is your wish? You wished to be the light; the lighthouse. 

The purpose of lighthouse is to remind the ships to stay away from dangerous zone. Once the ships passed by safely they won't remember you. So loniness is inevitable. Ask yourself is that what you want to be?

Being a lighthouse is no easy role. Continue to be because the world needs lighthouses. I will always be there for you. 

Jia you and you will remember the moment when you saw Laili does the cleaning below.


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