Thursday, January 29, 2015

Personal - Trying Low shot with GoPro

Hi Blog,

A short post for today. Currently I loaned a GoPro from my workplace. Due to ultra-wide shoot, which make photos look unique and interesting. I remembered when I was beginner photographer, I always wanted to take a low shot perspective angle to show the gigantic feel of a person but I failed to do so... Now I can do it with Gopro!!!

With my phone serves as a remote control and adjust the angle, I can take such interesting shot. (which include my feet completely) it can capture 180 degree angle. Wow! Let's make a giant!

Titan is coming!!! If I want to an overall shot of my surrounding, this will be the best! At least it makes me look tall, I know I am a shortie, whatever.

Hmmm but the gopro battery cannot last long, so everytime if we have to use it, do remember to charge. Okay hopefully more ideas will come in my mind. I will try new places with Gopro. Thanks God for this.


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