Thursday, January 15, 2015

Personal - Settling at my new place

Hi Blog,

It has been two weeks settling down at a new workplace. Load of excitement and uncertainty, feel very tired easily.... Hmmm maybe because I missed my couch. Haha. There are a few things which I feel troubled and will manage it myself.

1) Powernap seems like my habit to recharge myself. At my new workplace, there is no where I can recharge myself quietly. There is always a place in the company for staff to chill out, but no one will ever want to stay there because of other people's perception of "you are too free." Even when there is no staff around, while I am trying to catch some powernap, I can't even relax my mind - thinking what if this or that.... So tiring... Especially when you are a new staff.

2) Reach on time is a must - because of punch card method to track your working time. I am just too used to the life in PV. Now I have to plan what to wear before I sleep.

3) Working area in the staff room. As my nature as an introvert, I prefer to work away from people, because I don't know how to make friends. Become an Acquaintance is always an issue. Well, I will take it as a good chance to be myself. Like my IT executive told me before, "it is better to let others know what you are than who you are."

Recently I had tidying my workspace to my preference which somehow helps me to feel comfortable. Bring in some stuff to decorate and that brings back some memories. But I still missed my casting couch.

Well... Life still goes on. I shall move on. So.... I make myself a pass!!! It is not about the place, it is about myself - how you live with it and manage it properly. I will say with eight years of teaching experience in PV, I can do it! Let's admire the glory below. :) thanks God for leading me.


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