Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Blog - November Overview

Hi Blog,

Life after covid, even though it may seem infectious with conditions like the common flu, fever and cough; in reality, are the symptoms of how our immune system reacted to the virus which affects our lungs and causes other complex issues including death. As I noticed my blood pressure shoot up high, I know it could get worse if our bodies can't win the war. Most importantly, our spirit must maintain positivity and readiness for whatever happens.

Hence November 1*1 is to remind me that our bodies and spirit must work together. How do I ensure both work together?
A few ways to ensure and maintain, when we see things, do we see it with our eyes or brain or someone who is looking out from a body window? When we react to any happening, do our mind/emotions just flow or deep reflection under the head shelter? Do we just breathe or constantly sense the airflow through our nostrils? Etc etc. 😂 There are more but I doubt anyone will bother to understand what I had shared above. I shall keep it short and journal my November happening below. Thanks, Blog for listening.

1st Nov 2022 - Yippee! Finally, I can get free watches! I used to have many watches, especially liking those unique ones from Tokyoflash. But none of them last... Sad 😔 as for this one, it was an exclusive gift from signing ten years as a Safra member (since I have been swimming at Safra once a week) love such auto-mechanical watches. I think I will stop looking at watches for now. 😂

2nd Nov 2022 - ooo, why do I dress up for an occasion? Thanks Heaven and my fellow colleagues, that we won an award as a team! Actually, I should not receive that award because I am not part of the team but just because I sat with them so I got a chance to rub some of the dust from them. How do I look in a suit? 😂 Should I hike in a suit next time?

3rd Nov 2022 - Trisuit Theme #71
(Click here to read more)

4th Nov 2022 - These days I noticed my tummy is no longer bloated which is a good thing but sadly... I can't change the Fat (fact) that I am still considered untoned, compared to those gym-fit demigods... I am just a stupid nerd. Thanks, Blog for embracing me.

5th Nov 2022 - Visiting Uncle Tree
(Click here to read more)

6th Nov 2022 - Yeah, fat me again. Accompanied and motivated my fellow buddy, W, to swim. I guess since I don't go to gym church, I won't be blessed with a divine body. I am just a weirdo who wears disgusting white; have people roll their eyes. 🙄 I just be myself...

6th Nov 2022 - Rainy Brown
(Click here to read more)

9th Nov 2022 - I forced myself to go for a jog even when the weather was moody. Along the trail, there was no one around besides some cute wild boars. How I wish I can pet them.

10th Nov 2022 - Today I went for Heart Checkup. I was supposed to go to Outram Park NHCS but I was fooled by Google Map pointing to NUH... Just because I typed in Heart Centre and it showed me the first search result... Late but still made it. The doctor did a few tests and she told me perhaps my heart wall (myocardium) is too thick which caused my high blood pressure. Will need to do an ultrasound scan to determine it. Sigh... more money to spend...
11th Nov 2022 - I was thinking of going to Jalan Besar Swimming Pool to swim so that I can continue down to collect some stuff for school. It had been a while since I swam there, but when I got there... Miss Sky had other plans for the evening... I had no choice but to visit Decathlon and got myself a new bag for my hikes. Thank you to my bag as you served me well these years.

12th Nov 2022 - New Captain America Costume
(Click here to read more)

13th Nov 2022 - My First Official Cosplay Event
(Click here to read more)

14th Nov 2022 - Today I went for my blood pressure follow-up. The doctor just took her highlighter and marked 95% of my measurements to remind me that my blood pressure was still high... Now I need to consume other pills. Hope... It will drop...

15th Nov 2022 - Even though I tried to keep up my workout, I know that I still look fat... No wonder my blood pressure is still the same, even though I see improvement... Oh well...

17th Nov 2022 - Today's weather was surprisingly good; no rain at all. I went for a slow jog. yes, I have an untoned body... It should not stop me from jogging.

18th Nov 2022 - Knowing that today was our last day and will have a group photo later. To stand out, I need to darken my eyebrows. I wish I had thick natural manliness eyebrows but sadly, thick eyebrows only go with Alpha guys.

18th Nov 2022 - Thanks goodness, NO RAIN! Moody but at least bright weather, perfect weather to swim. Swim my fat away!

20th Nov 2022 - Typically, I will go for a short hike during weekends but at times, offering a helping hand like painting a house for the elderly will be a meaningful activity too. I don't know how to paint and learned that I need to wear another pair of spectacles (old ones) while painting because the paint will splash out on our faces.

21st Nov 2022 - Today's course was hosted by Hush Teabar (Led by the Deaf/hard of hearing and supported by people-in-recovery from mental health issues, as a form of empowered employment). We were taught a few sign languages and I learned that sign language is simple and direct. The most important thing when we use sign language is to observe expression; in other words, even in real life, we should learn to "see" other expressions besides words/sounds. They also gave us earplugs so that we can experience 'deaf' during the session. It was a great moment when I can 'hear' silence and even my heartbeats. Spent some time for ourselves to self-heal and reflect by drawing something out with limited water inks. I doubt anyone will be keen to ask what I had drawn but at least, one message which I picked at random, reminded me to be grateful. I will learn to.

22nd Nov 2022 - Okay, the padding shirt had arrived and it is not easy to wear but after wearing it and pretend to look buffed... No wonder... That explains why the confidence loves to ride on those bufflords. How I wished to wear such confidence too. 🤔 But when I put on my Captain costume, it doesn't help much so I need to increase the padding. Time to purchase additional padding for the fake confidence.

23rd Nov 2022 - 2nd time doing this first aid course, I don't know about others but I don't have the guts to save others yet... And I can only assure if the time comes when I am allowed to, I will try my best to prolong lives.

24th Nov 2022 - Finally got a chance to swim at Jalan Basar Swimming Pool! Long time never swims there, especially during the pandemic but I still looked fat whether covid or not; the fat (fact) cannot change.

24th Nov 2022 - After a short swim, it was great to catch up with my childhood friends. As usual, I am the quiet one but I try to listen to them. To think about... We know one another for almost 30 years!

25th Nov 2022 - What a surprise! I got two awards this year! One is MOE Excellence Service award (Sliver) and the Outstanding Individual Contribution award. I was flattered but thank you everyone for giving and seeing me in a positive way. Need to continue to strike for the best. And also... Money! 😂💰

25th Nov 2022 - Suddenly my friend wanted to go for a night hike so I decided to wear white (long time have not been wearing it). During the hike... Something strange... Based on feelings, there was a certain part of the trail that should not take too long to reach its next point but somehow it took a rather long time to complete...

26th Nov 2022 - Had a short hike with KW and I am glad to find another rock with a name! One more added to my collection. I wondered will there be more in Singapore? But today's hike I learned a lot from KW that he shared with me how to recognise certain plants and birds, I am just not wise to identify them.

27th Nov 2022 - (Credit JH) What a beautiful and chilling afternoon hike at Upper Peirce. I am sure missed this place... I hope I can get my bike's issue to be resolved sooner... Now I was just waiting for my wallet to reload... Anyway, I was trying to spare some time to meet up with my friend, JH, who somehow had some relationship dating issues... Sometimes... It is not easy to convince someone who has a strong mind towards certain views and restrict to a yes-no outcome... effective but not it won't work all the time.

28th Nov 2022 - Before everyone went for their month break and ZB left our department for a better job, let's have a department photo together! Great team, colleagues and boss! Thank you for making 2022 a smooth one.

29th Nov 2022 - Sunny Lazarus Island
(Click here to view more)

30th Nov 2022 - My impulsive purchase. Hahaha! But you know what... They sent me the wrong suit... Oh well... if I can't get a return then I will accept it.

I didn't know my November 2022 overview became a daily update!


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