Saturday, November 5, 2022

Hiking - Visiting Uncle Tree

Good Morning Blog,

When I woke up, I realised something... It was raining! Today I supposed to bring a group of hikers to visit the Tree Shrine. I checked the WhatsApp, from 11 people down to 2.

Despite I suggested a postpone, but there were some enthusiastic hikers who will like to continue, which motivated some people to continue and I will not forcefully suggest a postpone.
Let's go! I thought it might park under my month overview but since there were more pictures, so it is going to be a post and that's why you don't get to see many of the scenery and progress shots.

Wearing my Cap attire so that others won't feel awkward with me in trisuit. No one wants to see an untoned man in trisuit.
(Credit Mr L) after gathering everyone, the rain had returned to drizzle state, which meant... The ground will be wet obviously
As you can see, there was no escape from wetness... So I just accepted it and heck care of having a wet foot
(Credit Mr P) Ahead of us, just a hikerless and wet trail. I treated it as washing shoe moment
(Credit Mr L) Glad to sense they are alright with me in my Cap attire. Along the hike, instead of addressing me as Jeff, they just addressed me as Captain Nerd. 😂 A title which I will love to honour.
(Credit Mr L) the rain had stopped but Mr Sun was not around and perhaps he was moody these days. Ahead of us, was one of my fear... Fear of the inconvenience during the hike.
(Credit Mr P) Well, I will try to ensure their safety like...
...Crossing this narrow path, hopefully, this place can have a better path in future
(Credit Mr P) This place actually looks special and cool for photography for a long shot. As we were near to that shrine, everyone was quite excited.
(Credit Mr L) Social distancing photo
Finally, got to meet up with this uncle tree again. Love to visit this tree again and again, as it is one of my proudest finding after all!
As I mentioned, I didn't want to make it a long post but since there were many pictures collected from my fellow friends-hikers, then why not I just take more pictures.
I guess I will visit here again
Finding new way or new thing around here
Mr L was happy to see this Tree Shrine. He is just as adventous as me; as a retired pilot, he applied his skills into hiking, I glad this tree shrine was added into his hiking list for his friends
Great! Everyone is safe and time to return home before the rain got us
(Credit Mr P) New banner for the Mandai Wildlife Reserve, very soon I will visit the new Bird Park once it completed.
The uncles and aunties love this Tree Shrine and they requested for other unique places. I guess I will bring them to visit the Great Banyan Tree.


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