Thursday, June 30, 2022

Blog - June Update

Hi Blog,

Have been procrastinating for a while... Took some time to reflect on why I procrastinated.

In some ways... I am stuck in a loop and I want to improve but I know I can't be the best when most people and even myself will expect me to be the best... Why you don't strike for the best, you are not working on it at all...
Why... Need to go for the best? Can't we go for good or better? Isn't good or better not good enough? Perhaps it is a trigger...

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Personal - Suits for the Theme #65

Hi Blog,

During June, I realised I don't have a trisuit theme because I didn't have a chance to jog. I shall share one for this month.

Seriously, really running out of ideas.
Just too random here. Hahaha. If you missed out the previous #64, you can click here or All my Trisuit theme here.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Personal - First Big Project

Hi Blog,

As titled, it was one of my first big projects which involved money (not millions like some pros/elites out there), consultation, creativity and planning (as it was not a one-time off project).

In Feb, my school leaders told me that they wanted to utilise this room or set up a recording studio for certain programmes in our school.
I told them that it was mentioned many years ago and no one/not enough budget to get it started... But my school leaders explained that there is no one raised any proposals at all, and funding for any improvement projects can get funding with a proper proposal. That's where I started to encourage myself to draft a proposal for setting up a recording studio for the students and staff in school.

Let me share the emotional roller-coaster journey if you are keen to read, as my life isn't just hiking content, okay? 😆

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Trip - Forgotten Cinema

Hi Blog,

You might be surprised to read this title and yes! There was a forgotten cinema to explore. Thanks to WS for inviting me to explore this place.

Thanks goodness that the rain stopped
I wondered what that place will look like... Anyway, I hope any reader who reads this, can keep it to yourself and I won't reveal the location to anyone because it is not a safe place to visit. I am just documenting that place before it was gone.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Personal - Monday Orange @ Lazarus

Hi Blog,

Going to Lazarus once per month might become a ritual for me. Hahaha... So during school break, I took leave to visit the island with HD (he always wanted to go). Personally, I just needed a day off from my norm.

It was raining heavily last night and lucky it stopped right before I stepped out.
Monday blue for me and I will try to change the colour myself.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Trip - Marsiling Bunker and Tunnel

Hi Blog,

I thought my urbex life will end sooner because no one will bring me to those unique places... until Br told me that he was planning to visit Marsiling Bunker. Oh, Yes! I knew that place and hesitated to go for a few reasons. Later you will see it why.

Good morning sky. Thanks Miss Sky for a dry morning.
You can check this interesting visit and guide from Travelintern and they also have a YouTube video which I will leave it at the end of my post.

Friday, June 3, 2022

Hiking - Great Photography Session with my Student

Good morning Blog,

Recently my ex-student, Jon, (Funny thing is that I have a lot of friends whose names are Jonathan) asked me to bring him to explore Singapore. At least, he is keen and wants to hang out.

Funny weather today... One side was bright and sunny but another side... Hope it won't rain.
I will be meeting him nearby to explore Bukit Brown and it is great to meet him again ever since he graduated like ten plus years ago.