Friday, June 3, 2022

Hiking - Great Photography Session with my Student

Good morning Blog,

Recently my ex-student, Jon, (Funny thing is that I have a lot of friends whose names are Jonathan) asked me to bring him to explore Singapore. At least, he is keen and wants to hang out.

Funny weather today... One side was bright and sunny but another side... Hope it won't rain.
I will be meeting him nearby to explore Bukit Brown and it is great to meet him again ever since he graduated like ten plus years ago.

Getting ready for the day, at least a little push for myself
Motivation! 💪
Just less than five mins after I stepped out of my house... and it rained!!!
Motivation dampened... 😫
Jon and I still met up and hoped the rain will stop, so we went for a breakfast session and catch up with one another updates since it had been a while.
This is my ex-student, Jonathan. It was taken in 2010. An obedient and helpful student whom I had taught.
The funny thing was when he asked me how did I usually take my shoots. Both of us took out our cameras! We are using the same camera brand and model! 😆 And he also brought a DSLR for this trip. I remembered that I taught him how to use a DSLR and feel proud that it becomes one of his passion. He told me that he loves how much that I had taught him about photography.
(Credit Jon) On this trip, thanks to many of his photos which I always dream of, for my blog content.
(Credit Jon) It was like a relaxed hike which journalized my hiking experience
(Credit Jon) He does not mind taking pictures for me, especially in my awful attire. Appreciate someone who can take care of the angle and composition. What a blessing.
(Credit Jon) Today I will bring him to the Tree Shrine since he can't stay too long and he always wanted to bring his friends to some unique places so this one will definitely in the list.
I won't just take over the spotlight, I can help him too. It was such a heart warning day even though the sky was rather dark and cool when it was like a teacher and student exchange day; he learned how to pose like me and I got a chance to use an expensive camera and lens.
And explore together
(Credit Jon) This is a good moment to know how awful my un-V body is. No wonder, no girl has any confidence in me because I don't have a broad upper torso (aka good genetic) to breed with. Anyway, now I know its mysterious location, finding the Tree Shrine is not an issue anymore. (link)
We simply exchanged our shoots from different angles.
(Credit Jon) Just check out the dense forest where I stood. No clear path.
Only relying on my mind GPS
(Credit Jon) Based on landmarks, I shared with Jon how to recognise the landmarks especially when there is no visible landmark.
I shared with him how to pose naturally and he does it well.
Yes! Haha! Found you again! We meet again, Uncle Banyan. I brought my ex-student here to pay you a visit.
It was awed to look at the Banyan tree roots taking charge here.
Here looks like a stage.
This is one example of a picture shot by myself...
(Credit Jon) Compared to pictures taken by others. I guess I will need to get a tripod sooner.
Jon went forward to introduce himself to the tree
Next is to go through its root-arm to get closer to Uncle Banyan
(Credit Jon) Just look at the amazing root system here
(Credit Jon) Perhaps I should snap more pictures for Jon
Hahaha. I realised that I only took one picture... and next time, I will take more for him.
Good morning Uncle Banyan. Glad to see you again. :) I will visit you again next time.
Really loved the root system. Very dramatic.
I took a few shots for him but I will pick the nicest of him with Uncle Banyan
(Credit Jon) Magic of DSLR, can capture and maintain its sharpness
Pose for the picture!
Before we exited this place, I brought him to this big rock and explained to him more of the landmarks here if he returns for another hike, and also helped him to snap some pictures for his social media.
(Credit Jon) I told him to sit on the rock but he does not want to get his butt dirty, I also wondered...
(Credit Jon) Perhaps I can't be bothered anymore.
(Credit Jon) My favourite shot of the day. Thank you for this. That is the main reason why I wished there is someone who is able to take care of the photos and get the composition right too. 😊
(Credit Jon) Time to leave this place
(Credit Jon) Usually, I don't take much when I hiked with someone, but with Jon, hahaha... He helped me to take care of everything
(Credit Jon) Hahaha I can't express the joy that I have today - Catch up session, photo session, and it was like you enjoyed the fruit that you sowed many years ago...
(Credit Jon) it was like I just did what I needed to do 10+ years ago; to educate and share my limited knowledge of photography with the students, and I didn't teach them on how to adjust the aperture or ISO etc... My main sharing was focused teaching on composition.
(Credit Jon) Something, I don't even know which one was taken from my own camera or his.
Funny that Jon just displayed a bit of my own image
Yes! Jon, look away, don't bother and be yourself
(Credit Jon) With the sound of DSLR snapping sound, my dream to be a model wannabe was fulfilled.
(Credit Jon) Snap snap snap. Yes, looked away. Look cool and why I look so fat!
Quiet and peaceful route to have good communication with one another
(Credit Jon) have to hike here more often before it becomes inaccessible.
(Credit Jon) As I mentioned in my past posts, I wanted to take pictures from a distance away like this.
Next stop and something interesting which most people might miss it...
I told Jon that we can try to take a reflection shot here
At least something interesting
Hmm... Sadly... the sky was not perfect for reflection
(Credit Jon) But Jon wanted to give it a try
(Credit Jon) He ever edited the photos for me. I won't need to edit myself.
(Credit Jon) Can't credit him enough here
(Credit Jon) Before we ended our hike, I decided to show him another interesting thing.
(Credit Jon) Yes! A well-preserved well. (pun intended)
There is no damage to this well which is already amazing
Have you seen a well before, Jon?
Last stop was to show Jon the bamboo wood
2xx 1t2b Jon was trying to capture a shoot. His back reminded the time when he was helping me with photography during school events. He will just kneel down to capture the scene. Just by standing behind him, I got a nostalgic feeling. And also, I compared the picture that he took and mine, his skill improved a lot.
Jon was amazed by the scene as he has been visiting this place before but didn't notice this bamboo wood at all.
What an amazing bamboo wood, arcing the whole area.
(Credit Jon) Here is a shot by him, with better camera (DSLR) which gives my blog a better vibe
(Credit Jon) I always to have a picture here with a clearer quality and better composition which my camera can't achieve.
Thank you Jon for the day :) What a great photography session


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