Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Personal - First Big Project

Hi Blog,

As titled, it was one of my first big projects which involved money (not millions like some pros/elites out there), consultation, creativity and planning (as it was not a one-time off project).

In Feb, my school leaders told me that they wanted to utilise this room or set up a recording studio for certain programmes in our school.
I told them that it was mentioned many years ago and no one/not enough budget to get it started... But my school leaders explained that there is no one raised any proposals at all, and funding for any improvement projects can get funding with a proper proposal. That's where I started to encourage myself to draft a proposal for setting up a recording studio for the students and staff in school.

Let me share the emotional roller-coaster journey if you are keen to read, as my life isn't just hiking content, okay? 😆

To start, I needed to know which room I can convert and initially, the school leaders were thinking of tapping this room near the library to create a Central Learning Hub.
This room... Seemed not ideal though... because there is no way to soundproof (the air cons are loud here) and the irregular ceiling... plus the library is located above the canteen and many kids tend to make a lot of noise during recess and they will run within the library too (totally impossible to have them to lower their volume in the library)
After some research with my friends and ex-students who work in a video and photography studio, asking for an equipment purchase list and discussed how to make things possible etc. So my main solution for this room was to be soundproof.

Meanwhile, gathered a group of interested colleagues and my HOD to form a committee group for discussion than one man show.

Gathered some ideas online to understand what a studio might look like. From what I see... The common equipment in the studio is lighting, which means we can combine the usage in the studio for photography and videography; so that it won't become a white elephant.
So I focus on three essential settings what a studio should have.
The lighting
Able to soundproof
Dark surrounding to bring out the studio vibes
For our first meeting, I had to design an artist's impression of a studio covered with a heavy-duty type of curtain while recording... but it was not effective for the amount of money spent.
Then I went around to search for the suitable location for a studio and there was this room which has the least used and located away from noisy places.
In front of the space is another classroom which divided by a couple of dividers and is also ideal for a hosting/briefing room.
After designed another artist's impression for this room, I told myself that this is the PERFECT room for a studio!
But H is our school OM, who is managed the school operational matters, plus he had worked in a filming studio for years. He felt that we are wasting our effort and money to set up such an impractical studio which has zero impact on students' learning experience.

He advised me that I should listen to him, and do the minimum for recording... But my idea for a studio is to let our students have a studio experience and a place where they can feel proud of. But he just shut me up by reminding me that I am no expert in setting up a studio? I don't even know what is a studio. (A recording studio must have a separate room with a control room to record audio separately and that is professional. Whatever plan or set-up I have in mind, is not counted as studio at all) then he followed by saying that I have no experience working in a studio? I do not even know certain whatever mic to achieve whatever... The lists just went on, purpose to highlight that I just don't know anything.

Honestly, I didn't feel nice and depressed after receiving such a big slap... As these kind of situations just keep happening in my life... I don't argue back... Or even explain myself... I understand my own unhappiness is due to my own personal expectation. What do I mean by that?

If I am the so-called expert, I will try my best to guide and provide support to that person who will/might learn and benefit from my experience... but... H just simply behaved the opposite... I am just Unhappy why H behaved so unprofessionally, like my unfair expectation was not met... I should learn that not everyone will be the same or ideal, and accept there are many different kinds of people in this world... H's approach seemed different but actually, he meant well, he just hopes that I can learn from such experience and learn to pick up things which I don't know, and don't get into unnecessary troubles for nothing.

Oh well... Still... I was emotional... blinded by my anger, inferiority and disappointment... I tried to stay focused on what I needed to do - like seaeching for equipment prices and presenting my proposal to committee members and school leaders. Thank goodness, I got support from my committee members and got approval for using the ideal room! And granted 15k for budget. We were also requested to site-visit to another school which already has a studio for a learning experience.

We got approval from the school leaders that Dxnmxn High will host us to explore their Mass Comm Room.
Interesting studio when we stepped in for the first time. It was dark and quiet.
They are blessed with a bigger space and able to have a mini editing room.
There is a mini window where they can control the audio recording and won't disturb the record by any sounds made by the outsiders.
Check out the nice and quiet studio they have. They had spent a lot of money on soundproofing the wall, floor and ceiling. Based on my research, setting up a green screen is not an easy setup and is costly too. Having soundproof wall panels will cost around 25k-30k. To set up a seamless green screen will cost like 10k-15k... Our budget will never be able to meet the requirement... What made me impressed, is how they have their seamless green screen. What you see from the image, it is not a solid wall green screen. the OM cracked his brain to find a replacement for the green screen; he put up a green carpet to achieve a seamless display and no fold. They advised us to stay focused on what we needed to set up and pass us the vendor's contact who did the set-up for them.
After trying out their teleprompter, now I think having a teleprompter for our studio will be ideal.
After the visit, I had a clearer picture of what I wanted the studio to look like. I feel we should not need soundproofing or even have the sound mixer for recording, and focus on setting up a stage for broadcasting and photography. (I understand many people are quite turn-off by such expensive mixer and there was one school which spent a lot of money for a recording studio and after the teacher left the school, the studio was untouched for more than five years because they don't quite like it) So I will design a changeable stage for any possible performance or presentation.
I thought that I will have a smooth journey after that... but nope... H did not agree to paint the whole room black and remind us that if we are planning to turn the classroom into a studio, we need to seek approval from SDCF and HQ which will take up more than five months... I can't make any move for two months and still need to wait for another five more months? I was wondering, didn't he already know we need to set up a studio already? His reply can really test myself... He said I should know. How will I know?! I have no choice but to have a meeting with everyone (committee members, school leaders and H) to iron out matters. H was speechless after our school leader does not agree for seeking approval and demanded him to explain why we need to; as what we did, was just decorating the classroom. So finally... We can move on to the next step! but... I had offended H already... Sigh... Why...
Anyway, Fast forward and skipped some small little details like stressing up over purchases, meeting vendors and little hiccups with H. Four months had passed most of the quotations were signed and ready to start work!
Lucky the vendor had experience of what we wanted especially the green screen. I find it difficult to explain to anyone about the green screen, as we don't go for the traditional method of painting a solid green and use carpet for a green screen. Personally, I really like the seamless green screen concept at an affordable cost.
The vendor had to cut the fake ceiling to insert wooden panels to strengthen the weight of the curtain
it seemed like not an easy task.
The curtain and enforcer are two separate companies. I hope there is no hiccup between their communications.
There were so many things to take care of, just to enforce.
The backbone of the curtains are consealed.
One step had done... Next!
Is to paint the room black. Oh my, black room is so unique. I don't think anyone will want a black painted room.
Hmm it seemed like there will have another round of painting for the room.
Meanwhile, I shall use the underutilised TV for easy-previewing of what is recorded.
Two TV on two stands should be enough.
One of the interesting ones had arrived! It is a teleprompter! The best thing was that, I saved a lot of getting this than buying another more expensive one.
Time to unbox it!
It is a big screen! 21" teleprompter! Wow! But sadly... This doesn't come along with a tripod... I thought normal tripod can be used but after trying, normal tripod can't withstand the weight of the screen, hence we will have to leave it on the table.
After having the backbone, this time for the nerves system!
Putting up the railing is no joke, I worried it will snap
As they needed to combine the different part of the railing together
Hiccup still happened... There are some spots where they didn't enforce properly...
After a few hours, they managed to secure the railing onto the missing spots.
Next! Time for the green screen (carpet)!
Hmm I felt something wrong... Somewhere...
It was so hard and rigid...
Have to load it on the eyelets, was Hell.
The colour of the green is perfect!
But somehow... There was a deep dent on the screen... And to make it worse...
They made a mistake in measurement so they will bring it back to extend the length and replace the dent part with a new one... Well, since they were here... they would continue to set up the remaining railing
An extra railing for the black curtain
I had a sudden spark to suggest having a curve for the black curtain
The black curtain was ready!
Beauty :3 I love the texture of the black curtain, it just gave a classic vibe and I noticed the whole room is acoustic!
Following up, was the equipment arrival! Lighting, mic, batteries, cables etc
Hmm I needed to figure out how to set this up
Okay... I don't know anything...
But still managed to set up one! 😂
But realised that... there was a missing power adapter... headache...
After checking every corner in this briefcase, yup! They missed out on one adapter for us. Hope they can send in another one sooner...
I guess... I will make do with one
Half completed!
The first model to be taken in the studio, one and only.
Can't stop admiring the place... Like a dream comes true
and YES! I went down to collect the power adapter myself after work because I really wanted to see this studio completed!
Testing out the light height... Somehow I was not satisfied...
I adjusted the light to shine from the top down... And it is much better because it casts a shadow under my chin so that I won't look "flat".
On the same day... the corrected green screen had arrived!
Now the gentlemen knew how to unroll it
Instead of unroll on the ground and mount it on the railing...
Best to start from the corner and unroll as you hooked it on thee railing
DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How is it?!
I felt so proud of myself... Like from design/impression to the actual thing! Just perfect! What a rollercoaster journey to get to this stage!
Now left with safety matters and some miscellaneous small value purchases - furniture and glow-in-dark tape
Test it out on Photoshop, the green screen works!
Finally! I managed to get the teleprompter app to work by using a free version online, (even though the given version is better but got a few issues to install on multiple laptops) I am glad there is a free version.
Lastly... Thanks Mdm D for donating her table cloth for our table so that it won't look that boring. Hahaha. And one last shot of me in the studio 😄
I made a logo for the studio but not everyone will agree with my design here. Some said it looks like an Asian Loanshark or more towards Art. Well... I can't be bothered anymore.
Overall this journey, I faced a lot of emotional damage... from some people... but I had to face many inner voices... telling me to quit and behaved badly... like creating a scene. But I restrained myself from behaving that way, I just needed to have someone to hear me out... to let go some steam. Lucky, some of my colleagues tried to understand and listen to what I had faced, and I tried to be neutral and handle it with care.

I felt so relieved when others understood my side of the story. At times, they will throw in some advice but such advice will be neutral and easily accepted hence they had enough understanding to provide their insight. I just don't like to accept information or advice when one does not even think through it but I will learn to accept others who don't.

Since I was tasked to set a stage/studio and life is a drama stage and the stage is mine - we come, play our part and leave... So I will learn to enjoy the progress.

Before I closed the group chat, I made a closure to apologise to my team for being a failure but I got positive feedback from them. Thank you everyone.


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