Monday, June 13, 2022

Personal - Monday Orange @ Lazarus

Hi Blog,

Going to Lazarus once per month might become a ritual for me. Hahaha... So during school break, I took leave to visit the island with HD (he always wanted to go). Personally, I just needed a day off from my norm.

It was raining heavily last night and lucky it stopped right before I stepped out.
Monday blue for me and I will try to change the colour myself.

Getting ready in blue attire...
Ugly Fatso was ready to spoil the day's appetite 
Marina South Pier had no soul alighted from the station... was it a good thing?
Thanks, Mr Sun for warming up the places
Quiet harbour (hopeful) and managed to have HD arrive in time to take the first ferry to the island.
As usual, my typical shot before I left SG to the beautiful island. Thanks, Miss Sky for joining the trip.
One thing which excited me is the price. As long as I show them the redemption card, I just need to pay $10 for this trip! 😄 I guess this is what I called regular price.
Hmm... Sisters' Island seemed like there is some construction going on. Hopefully, it is a good upgrade of something.
When I was hopeful... the crowds just slapped me hard... this month was a school break month, thinking it will be lesser crowds is impossible.
While waiting for HD to return from his toilet break, I spent some time reading up about the island... Proud to say that Singapore has some unique and rare plants, especially on this island.
Today weather seemed rather soft while was a good thing for first timer
It seemed... crowded but not as bad as during the pandemic period.
Clean running water 😊 cleansed my soul
Back to my usual spot to pitch a tent and HD dove in immediately... I guess he does not like too much sun.
Unlike this ugly fatso, just love the sun to convert blue to orange, hoping it will burn my fat away...
(Credit HD) HD was pulling out his mini drone and tested its flight for the first time. Nice drone he got!
(Credit HD) Perhaps can capture the ideal scene I always wish... but... the drone flew out of range and dropped into the water... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 😱 So sorry HD for the wet drone... 😕
(Thanks HD) HD still insisted on taking pictures of this shxt. feeling bad for the spoiled drone (first used)
(Credit HD) Yeah, this shxt who does not even have any muscle or body or face to worth in front of a camera. Oh well... I am not demi-god like my friend Jam...
(Credit HD) But HD doesn't mind and he just reminded me to be myself. Enjoy the moment because when we turned old then we will regret we wasted too much time hiding or bothered by things which we can't change much or have a different set of life priorities/duties. Thank you HD. This is my favourite shot so far. 😄
(Credit HD) Wrong angle to snap and too close up, HD.
I will prefer wide shot better. at least, either the beautiful scenery can add stats on this shxt or this shxt stained the scenery; unlike beautiful people match with beautiful sceneries.
Time to suntan. I brought my shade and suntan. First time doing this and I love it as it won't hurt my eyes even when I closed my eyes.
(Credit HD) Never tried a top-down angle which is better than causing others to lose their appetite...
Wow! Due to the shade, I could see there is a small halo formed from the Sun! YES! But definitely not in the trunk next time.
(Credit HD) Taking candid shots while hiding inside the tent. I guessed it is too sunny for anyone.
Usually, if I am alone, I will spend time reflecting upon myself... I guess... for this time, a short reflection is good too.
I bumped into a statement while trying to find peace in myself or save myself from emo-ing...
Like the title... Monday Orange. Usually, it is Monday Blue, so how can we change it to other colours? 

It depends on our perception. When I was younger or even now... I have struggled to grow in the toxic environment where the majority promotes and worships the winners... and while I keep or hope to become a winner to break the abyss for losers like me... perhaps I just want to win myself at least.

Rather than being happy for myself hitting the benchmark of the winner... I should learn to be happy and able to look beyond the imperfections; like there is no REAL beauty without some slight imperfection - Roses will not look pretty and desirable without the strong contrast of the green leaf and its thorns, and lastly, its imperfection of unable to last long.

As a Leo and worst, as an INFJ, we are also the perfectionist type of people. Why I said worst is because my horoscope, Leo, is a perfectionist and now my personality trait as INFJ, also a perfectionist; DOUBLE-PERFECTIONIST person... I reflected on why I want to be perfect... besides society's worshipping and mainly because I want someone else to love me. (Skipped the detail of my one-sided love towards a girl for 20+ years and wanted to have a loving family). When I read one blog post from mollyhostudio, I can relate to the blogger entirely.

It is very tiring when I spend a long time hating myself... I also know that I can be triggered very easily. Writing blog is a time when I am learning to embrace myself. I don't expect any reader will like my disgusting and boring content since I stained myself first before anyone does.
I have done a lot of things which I wish I should not have done... I hope I can grow as a human being since I am not a demi-god which I hope to be.
Personally, I have to learn to accept being imperfect and with flaws... I will be happy to be at peace with myself. To be honest, I might not really know whether I am doing it right, but hey, I am still a baby walking on the journey of positiveness and peace.



  1. Hey Jeff, just wanted to find out where do you always set up your tent at lazarus island? you can contact me at as I wanted to send you the map for you to circle it for easier reference. Thanks!!

    1. Sure sure. Will email you sooner

    2. Hi Benloh
      I tried to email you but I received this message. Anyway, I will type my email here without image/map
      Your message wasn't delivered to because the address couldn't be found, or is unable to receive mail.
      Hi Benloh

      My name is Jeff. I received your comment on my lazarus trip about the tent location.

      Usually and personally, I will pitch my tent at the corner of the beach (as attached) 左耳沙滩

      Reason: cosy and quieter than the center of the beach, the waves are too strong to rest than the corner. And the water at this side is cleaner than another end; lesser debris somehow.

      And it is also nearer to a shade if anything happens.

      You may ask me anything if you have any questions

    3. oh no, I made a typo. it is a missing 'u'. could you email me again, wanted to check is there a pavilion there as according to the reference map online, there is!

    4. Hahah. Alright, I emailed you already


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