Thursday, June 30, 2022

Blog - June Update

Hi Blog,

Have been procrastinating for a while... Took some time to reflect on why I procrastinated.

In some ways... I am stuck in a loop and I want to improve but I know I can't be the best when most people and even myself will expect me to be the best... Why you don't strike for the best, you are not working on it at all...
Why... Need to go for the best? Can't we go for good or better? Isn't good or better not good enough? Perhaps it is a trigger...

3rd Jun 2022 - Great Photography Session with my Student
(Click here to read more)

4th Jun 2022 - For the second time to go out with my colleagues for a good hike which I will never imagine that it will happen to me. We just exchanged views and had a relaxed time together - hiking, driving around and plant shopping. Well spent Saturday 😊🙏🏼

5th Jun 2022 - Marsiling Bunker and Tunnel
(Click here to read more)

6th Jun 2022 - After these two years pendamic, we finally meet up again and celebrating Gemini birthday. Had a great feasting for dinner and durian session. Fat is my next concern. 😂

8th Jun 2022 - Finally got myself to ride to work but my rear tyre seemed like losing its pressure... It was hellish riding on it. Lucky I got to pump up to ride home, need to spend some time to rectify the issue.

11th Jun 2022 - Welcome to Jeff's Exploration tour. My friends got to know that I have been exploring weird places recently and they will want to explore with me. So I organised a simple hike at Bukit Brown where I will show them iconic places like Avatar Trees, Abandoned Cars, and in addition uncommon places like old former school staircase remnants and aqueduct from the past. I will try my best to explain the stories behind those places and I am glad they enjoyed a lot.

11th Jun 2022 - On the same day, I organised a catch-up with our old friend who is a June baby. Honestly... what a long day for me... And I just went mindless (recharge) on Sunday. Lucky, it was raining so I won't feel guilty about resting at home.

13rd Jun 2022 - Monday Orange @ Lazarus
(Click here to read more)

15th Jun 2022 - It seemed like good weather for a ride to my workplace and tested my waifu whether it lost its pressure... somehow it is... I guess I can't go for long-distance rides unless I decided to stop at every petrol station to pack the pressure. But it was a good ride.

16th Jun 2022 - Yes! Finally, I got myself a new laptop to replace the current one which I used for good ten years plus. I believe this gaming laptop will last me for a while. Time to learn new skills with this better-performance laptop. Credit EK for helping me to source, recommendation and purchases. If without you, I might have spent at least 2.5k on a lousy laptop.

17th Jun 2022 - BP had this crazy impromptu invitation for a karaoke session and yup! It was a great nostalgic feel for singing the songs loud and carefree in the room. We had a great time!

18th Jun 2022 - Forgotten Cinema
(Click here to read more)

19th Jun 2022 - Yippee! Finally got to travel oversea (Over the border) to JB! Thanks M for allowing me to tag along and had a vegetarian meal throughout. It was a short trip and I wished it will be a long one next time.

26th Jun 2022 - While setting up the big project... I also have another event to work on with my friends - to host a Sentosa outing for a group of Youth and Teens. I was glad that Miss Sky decided to throw us a rainbow (a blessing) for us to have the event successfully. After the activity, I went and had a long chit-chat dinner session in which I poured out my feelings and shared my past experiences and emotional triggers... Feeling more relieved.

28th Jun 2022 - First Big Project
(Click here to read more)

29th Jun 2022 - Trisuit Theme #65
(Click here to read more)

30th Jun 2022 - Finally got a chance to jog. Nearly a month that I had not jogged. My legs started to shake after jogged but I felt great :) Oh well... If I don't get back to my jog routine, I will get fatter...

Sorry for the delay if anyone is reading... I doubt so.


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