Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Blog - August Update

Hi Blog,

10 years of blogging since 2010, writing my thoughts and share my experience to space. My blog got personal and repetitive dull, but it is how my life is. Writing is just a way to keep my mind checked.

August monthly update :)
who knows one fine day I might stop blogging, actually won't have any effect on anyone. Right?

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Hiking - My Spider-Camera

Good Morning Blog,

After yesterday recharge, today I will try to push myself for some more workout.

Wanted to bring my waifu for a ride.
But Wy texted me for a hike and catch up session. Wy wanted my help to become her study project for her psychology study submission, basically, she wanted to know my family background, my psychological mental health and life challenges. I will share with you what she had written next time.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Hiking - Complex Self

Hi Blog,

Today was Saturday. Thanks for asking and show your concern about whether am I feeling okay after the unknown unmotivated feeling and the recent scam... 

Mr Sun and Miss Sky gave me warm welcome weather to get me to kick start...
to hike and reflect upon myself again...

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Personal - Got Scammed Experience

Hi Blog,

Have you experienced any scam before? This week I got one despite my guts warned me loudly but I still chose to risk it... Just stupid me... I just can't forgive myself for being stupid...

Yes, I got scammed because I wanted to complete my houseplants craze with one last plant.
let me share with my rollercoaster-scam experience. Warning, it will be a lot of screenshots in this post and I will explain my thought towards the screenshots between me and the seller.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Cycling - Wake Mr Sun Up

Good Morning Blog,

Yawning... Today's post will be a short one. I didn't have proper sleep because I woke up every single hour or even every 15 mins... I just worried that I might oversleep...

Ended up, I only slept a few hours, and since I had promised to meet up Wy.
Wy is the lady who drew a Merlion head cycling track together with us. She stays quite near me and wanted to cycle together, so I have to uphold my promise.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Personal - 08 08 Date

Good morning Blog,

Yawning loudly! Today was 08/08, what a positive number date, and because yesterday I was just a pig for the whole day... So today I must do something.

6am in the morning when Mr Sun still sleeping
Today 08 08 will be a long day for me.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Trip - Tuas TV World

Good Afternoon Blog,

This must be one of my most impromptu hikes ever or my first impromptu hike. Why so? As I was transforming myself into a pig or couch potato, I browsed a fb post which caught my attention.

After I learned its location and it will be gone sooner... I decided to gear up and left my home.
What was it so special which made me give up my transformation? Yes, as titled, it was Tuas TV World.